Every day I am struck by the realization that liberals will manipulate information to create a set of statistics that reflect their false narratives. While discerning people will see through the poppycock, others will not, and still others will repeat the lies with prefaces like, “the fact of the matter is” when there are NO facts in the matter at all.
Political correctness is taking this to a level that will not be perceived until some future date. For example: no longer can criminals be identified by gender, race, or ethnicity. Not only is that stupid, the ridiculousness of it will erase any valid statistics. Imagine a future where there are no indicators of who committed criminal acts; no way to connect the dots to a violent gang, no way to trace the origins of a crime. Today, this administration is denoting acts of Islamic terrorism as workplace violence. They are demanding that the designation of race, gender, and ethnicity not be a part of criminal reports. Twenty years from now, instead of seeing the jihadi acts as Muslim extremists, they will be viewed as just another case of someone going “postal”, which is clearly not the truth!
Liberals are quick to attack the black prison population facts as discriminatory, but statistically and proportionately blacks commit more crimes than other ethnicities. There are many factors to consider when you look at the truth, but knowing the facts can allow people to reach out to that portion of the population who need help. Unfortunately, it won’t be the liberals who reach out. Their expertise is in demanding more tax money for government programs which generally become another giant money pit of bureaucracy. Neighborhood change is usually effected by churches and businesses with local help.
Factual reporting forces us to look at the truth and act upon it. We can choose to help those who need help, but we can also protect ourselves from possible danger.
Without honest statistics, it will appear as if there were no terror attacks and no racial crime during this president’s administration. And we all know that that is just another big fat lie. We can expect unparalleled deception from this administration which brought us, “If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor” and ‘Benghazi was caused by a video’. I could fill another page with the distortions and misrepresentations this president has expected the American people to believe just because the words came out of his mouth. He has abused his position as our leader, committing malfeasance of office. His recent actions of pressing a treaty with Iran while obfuscating its terms, is dangerous for America and the entire world. It appears that his only interest in becoming president was to take advantage of the prestige and perks of the office. He is not a leader! His actions are not those of a patriot! He has turned the White House into the most expensive section eight housing in America!