The other day I was watching some mind numbing show on television when, all of a sudden, I was jarred out of my stupor. There was a political ad on screen that blared out one of Donald Trump’s faux pas from the early part of his candidacy. The jarring part was that the ad was put out by “republicans” who were obviously not in the Trump camp.

Now, I’m not sure what good they think they are doing but, there is NO good in that sort of attack. Have these so called republicans never heard “United we stand, divided we fall”? The democratic party, with a corrupt candidate who promises to continue the policies of the last eight years of failure, stands behind their lying candidate. Why? Because she parses her words carefully as do most other candidates. The people chose Trump because he does NOT use doublespeak. Has he said some things that might have been misinterpreted? Has the media pounced on every politically incorrect move? Have his words been sometimes callous? Yes, yes, and yes. But “The Donald” is not a politician; he is a successful businessman. Truth be told, I was not originally a fan of his. But as each candidate fell, I took the time to examine Donald Trump’s accomplishments. In every endeavor, he surrounded himself with the people who were experts in their fields; seeking their counsel and then making the right decisions. Decisions that were so beneficial, that he became a billionaire. And now he wants to enrich our country. I am 100% on the Trump train and cannot, for the life of me, understand what makes the “anybody but Trump” crowd think they are helping. Dividing the party will give the election and the country to progressive liberals who will ensure the death of liberty. Perhaps, in their smugness, these republicans will say, “see, I told you he would not win”. But in reality, THEY are the reason for any failure of the party. Their elitism and snobbery are far removed from the people. And “We the People” are the ones who gave them their power. Well, I say it is time to take our country back from the hypocrites in charge and give it to someone who hears the people and wants what they want. It is time for every person who loves America to exercise their right to vote. We must overwhelm the possibility of voter fraud by showing our strength at the polls. We must take our country back from the politicians who have poisoned the system. Liberal democrats have defended their platform even when their positions are wrong. Full term abortion rights, second amendment assaults, attacks on freedom of speech by excessive use of political correctness; I have watched liberals avidly defending these even when the argument does not make sense. They win because they stick together. Take a lesson from them on how to win.
We must stick together. Promote the people’s candidate, Donald Trump, with enthusiasm. His lack of political experience is a blessing. He will surround himself with those who know how to deal with the system; and restore America’s greatness.
And as for the “Anybody but Trump” crowd, I say, “Go to hell and take Hillary with you”.

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