The election of Donald J. Trump as 45th President of the United States of America was inevitable. This political storm has been brewing for years. Every patriotic American knew that they would vote for Donald Trump. Every deeply established politician would likely not vote for him. Why?

It did not happen overnight, but most politicians are unable to relate to the people once they start receiving the many perks of their office. They have created a caste system within our country which refuses to acknowledge the worth of the ordinary citizen. The patriot who works hard and pays their taxes has no clout in spite of the fact that it is those very citizens who pay their salary and supply the money for many entitlement programs. The politicians began to take more and more via higher taxes and outrageous regulations. The people were not happy but the officials did not care.

Enter Barack Hussein Obama, a charismatic candidate with no particular qualifications (his college records were concealed). His “hope and change” mantra, with no specifics, was enticing. He had the backing of liberal money as well as an adoring MSM (Main Stream Media) anxious to elect the first black president. In 2008 America demonstrated it had overcome its racial prejudices by electing him their 44th president. It did not take long for him to increase the national debt and begin raising taxes.

In 2009 the Tea Party movement began to coalesce. Some say it was a reflection of the Boston Tea Party of 1773 others say it is an acronym for “Taxed Enough Already”. In my mind, either description is accurate. The tea party began to make conservative recommendations for political office holders. In the process, they were applying for tax exempt status according to federal law. Formation of these groups should have been an indication to politicians that the people did not approve of their decisions. Instead those in power were dismissive of this group and the government began to use its power to delay applications for years, and even to persecute some applicants who were business owners. This is a form of tyranny! America is a constitutional republic, not a dictatorship.

In 2010 the ACA (Obamacare) was passed by the Democrats. This put a further burden on taxpayers, punishing them if they were not insured, while granting exemptions for members of congress and certain other companies. If people did not comply, the IRS would confiscate penalties from their taxes. Something is definitely wrong with this picture. Seems like one of our freedoms (choice) has been compromised.

Barry lied repeatedly to the American people, lies too numerous to list here, but still the MSM loved him. Perhaps it was his showmanship, he appeared on numerous entertainment venues, loved the attention and performed cleverly for them, albeit not so as Commander-in-Chief. And Republicans were too afraid to stand up to his policies. Once he realized he would not be held accountable, he had a field day with his “pen and phone”. He disregarded republican ideas, even ridiculing them. He became the Divider-in-Chief and, to this day, the MSM has never mentioned his abuse of power or his lies to the American people.

In 2012, many who had previously voted for him, abandoned his platform; however, his republican opponent, Mitt Romney, failed to challenge a debate monitor when she was definitely wrong. The people were disappointed. They needed a fighter and Mitt was clearly not so inclined. Another loss at the polls gave us four more years of the same political tyranny. I could argue ad infinitum about the validity of that election, but we will save it for another day.

There was another missed signal that took place in 2014. More conservatives won their elections and in Virginia, Dave Brat unseated the very smug and over confident Eric Cantor. Though I am not a Virginian, I was encouraged by this turn of events.

As candidates began to declare for 2016, all indications were that a republican would take the office. The GOP had approved more candidates than ever; but one candidate, who had not been selected by the GOP, would win the hearts of American patriots. Donald J. Trump stood up for the people, fought for the people, and won for the people. He did it on his own and without the backing of the GOP or the MSM. In fact, they were, and continue to be openly hostile toward him. He used his own resources, and talked directly to the people who had previously been ignored. They loved him for that and continue to love every aspect of his presidency.

2016 was the year the people had had enough and decided they would no longer be intimidated by political correctness. There were two factions vying for attention, each on opposite sides of the spectrum, but both demanded to be heard. This was not a year for the politicians! If the democrats had allowed Bernie Sanders to run, who knows what would have happened. The democratic mistake was trying to force an establishment candidate on the people. The people wanted true representation which was unthinkable from the elitists points of view. Patriots are tired of the double speak, and back door deals of the bureaucrats in D.C. and I hope the republicans are paying attention. Ignore President Trump’s agenda at your own peril. We will limit the power of congressional members who have made the people suffer with their oppressive demands while exempting themselves from the same laws they create. America is taking its country back.

When Hillary called candidate Trump’s supporters “deplorable”, she spoke for all established politicians on both sides of the aisle. It showed their contempt for ordinary citizens and guaranteed a victory for Donald J. Trump. The only question was, “Would there be enough of the peoples’ votes to counter the fraudulent ones?” I thank God that there were! Abraham Lincoln reminded us that we are a country “of the people, by the people, and for the people”. For too long elections have been determined by smear campaigns and questionable contributions. This election gave us the people’s choice. Hillary should fold up her soapbox and go home. She has had many opportunities to shine but we are still waiting for the light to go on.

So, you see, there was no Russian collusion! Wikileaks exposed the corruption in the democratic party; but that was due to their own party’s over confidence and carelessness. And now the American people are having to pay for a bureaucratic special counsel bent on finding something that doesn’t exist.

Every english student knows that “What happened” is a question. Hillary’s book does not have a question mark which indicates that the contents are not an answer to the question but rather her theory or portrayal of what she thinks happened. You should be looking for it in the “fairy tale” section of the bookstore; that is, if you are looking for it at all.

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