Merry Christmas to everyone; and if your celebration is called by another name, then may it be filled with love, joy and peace. This is the message of Christmas: goodwill to all. I am one of those who celebrate Christmas, yet I understand that this time of year is celebrated in many different ways. I may not know each individual custom for the many differences we have, but that does not prevent me from wishing all of you peace and happiness. Furthermore, I will not try to erase your symbols of the season.
Christ may or may not have been born on December 25th but the importance of His coming is what is commemorated. I believe that He is the Son of God but you may think of Him as an important historical figure. There can be no doubt that He lived an extraordinary life, giving us examples to learn from and live by. It is in those examples that we learn love, kindness, tolerance, patience, and most of all forgiveness. True Christians are exalted; they can face criticism with faith, difficulty with hope, and hatred with love. Christmas is a reminder that He came to show us how to “Love one Another”.
There are those who would change “Merry Christmas” to something politically correct. I have never met a person who was offended by a “Merry Christmas” greeting. In fact, when I am greeted by “Happy Holidays”, I respond with a smile and say “Merry Christmas to you, too”. More often than not, they smile and apologetically imply that they are not permitted to say “Merry Christmas”. I just let them know that I understand; however, since I am not bound by their company’s rules, I can say, Merry Christmas”. It seems to me that the changes the pc are trying to make are really a veiled attempt to eliminate “Christ” from Christmas. They are to be pitied because they do not know the power of love. Christianity has been persecuted from its inception and has survived for more that 2000 years in spite of the bias. What makes these pc police think they are more capable than lions or fire? My wish for them is that they find peace within themselves so that they can understand and accept that we are all different and, under the constitution of the United States, we are entitled to our own particular expression of faith. The first amendment grants us “freedom OF religion” not freedom FROM religion.
One last thing, please do not write “Merry Xmas”. The “X” crosses out Christ. True Christians will wish a Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night.