An editorial is an opinion. People with a strong opinion on a particular subject may write a letter to the editor of their newspaper expressing their opinion. If the editors deem it worthy, their opinion may be published. Lucky us! Luckier them! They get to editorialize the entire content of what they print and; therefore, what we are allowed to read. It is most unfortunate that truth has nothing to do with what is printed. Case in point: Benghazi and the unnecessary slaughter of four Americans. Why has the truth been denied to the American people? What purpose does the media have if not to tell us the truth. Perhaps they think it advantageous to pander to various individuals or organizations. You underestimate the intelligence of the American people. Your job is to print the truth and allow us to discern the information according to our own philosophies. In that, you have failed! By denying the truth, you become an accessory after the fact and, in my humble opinion, just as guilty as the perpetrators of that heinous crime. Perhaps that is why subscribers are diminishing. People are searching elsewhere for the truth. Truth cannot be bought; it will come out eventually and you may have missed an opportunity to be that shining example of all that is great about our country.
May God bless America.
Oh, and by the way, it’s freedom OF religion, not freedom FROM religion.