One of the tenets of this president’s platform in 2008 was “transparency”. Transparency can only be achieved if you learn how to see through the gibberish he tries to sell. I am still not sure whether to call him Barack Obama or Barry Soetoro. When most candidates are running, they are vetted so thoroughly that a negative grade school incident can be reported. We have yet to see information about college transcripts, never mind anything prior to that. How did he pay for those expensive college tuitions? By his own account, his family was not well to do. Most families with a child in college are mortgaged to the hilt. And yet, this president managed to travel to the other side of the world when he was young. How could he afford to do that? Where did the money come from, or maybe, who provided the money for all of those expenses? Was he taking advantage of our generous grants to foreign students? Was he on welfare like the Boston Marathon bombers? Even on the cheesiest TV police programs, the answer to finding the perpetrator is “follow the money”. There must have been billions of dollars doled out to organizations in an effort to protect the president’s personal information. Questions like this have not been asked by the liberal media. Here are a few more questions they should be asking: How, exactly, was Brian Terry killed with American guns provided by our government? Why did the president take no action on the night of September 11, 2012 when four brave Americans including our Ambassador to Libya were murdered? Who decided to blame the video for that massacre? Why has the language in the ICE manual and the FBI manual been changed? The dramatic transformation of terminology makes it impossible for these agents to protect the citizens of the United States from foreign predators. Why are our institutions of higher learning (actually higher indoctrination) giving credence to convicted felons? Why are we sending money, in support of countries that openly declare hatred for our way of life? What is the objection to eliminating fraud within our federal programs? The answer cannot be that those who want to eliminate the fraud are racists; they are tax paying citizens who are tired of being bilked. Your accusations are invalid. AND PLEASE STOP USING CHILDREN AS PAWNS FOR YOUR EXCUSES!
These are just a few of the many questions I have on my mind. Most troubling to me are the attacks on our constitution and the failure of congress to do its job. Now that the sequester has taken effect, the White House has been closed to the American people. I wonder what mystery is being hidden behind those closed doors? This president has refused to answer questions about significant events by declaring executive privilege.
Way to be transparent, sir!
While watching the White House Press Corps dinner, it occurred to me that the president could take his show on the road, after his presidency. Oh, wait, he already does that. His self deprecating humor, while funny, seemed a bit blatant. Here is another pearl of wisdom from my mother, “Many a true word is spoken in jest”.
In case you missed his speech: