The Rape of our Country – a verse

 When I was young, it was a time when people worked for every dime.                          They gave their best and said a prayer, their hopes and dreams were always there.    When hardship came, neighbors would show how much they cared; then you would know You’d make it through that stormy scene and then return what you had gleaned.            That time has changed; it breaks my heart; When did all the madness start?                    The rapist came with subtle thoughts of reaching out when all seemed lost;                       To give us money, food and things, A house, healthcare, a phone that rings.                    But how much do we have to pay? “Nothing” is what the rapists say.                                The government will care for you;  Relax, sit back, enjoy the view.                                  While watching all of this unfold A different story must be told.                                          The real price that you pay for these Is loss of all your dignities.                                         No pride to take in work you do Your self esteem is flattened, too.                                    The emptiness you feel within Is filled with chattel bought with sin.                                    The rapist, under guise of “help” Has really only helped himself.                                       For no one can advance a cause Not with money, not with laws.                                      The given things they says are good Are from another’s livelihood.                                  They have not given you a cent It’s not their money that’s been spent.                            Now that I am deflowered of dreams The rapists move to other schemes.                         Oh, look, a crisis over there Let’s move on in, pretend we care.                                      Their talk is smooth, you soon believe The words they speak while you grieve.                And so the next assault begins: The rape of freedom from within.                                 Others have joined the cunning guile Their targets, like a pedophile                                  Are children who’ve been taught to trust Their elders; but these rapists’ lust                    Will not be satisfied until They’ve kidnapped innocent free will.                                       And, God forbid there be a crime The criminal who does the time                                    Will have more freedom in his jail Then victims whom he did assail.                                  Our country forged in liberty Is leaning, like a rotting tree.                                                  The principles attracting all have been attacked and start to fall;                                       We cannot let this come to be, Americans should all be free.                                          Dear God, I pray, restore this land For it is only by Your Hand                                          That all the rights You have bestowed Can change our course, lighten our load.         AMEN.

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