After the most recent financial crisis and reopening of the government, the president spoke to the American people telling them not to read what bloggers write and not to listen to talk radio. Did he sign another executive order making himself the supreme ruler of the country?!? While he has diminished many of our freedoms, I still have the right to think for myself; I do not need him to tell me what to think or to give me permission for anything. Raise your hand, Mr. President, if you think you are God. News flash: YOU ARE NOT! You may control what most of the media puts out, but that is because THEY are the racists and are afraid to say what is true. When you speak the truth, there is no fear. When your point of view is biased, your fears are manifested in an attack on the truth and most cowards, unable to see the truth because of their bias, will strike out at the truth in any way they can. Mom always said that people accuse you of the things they are guilty of. More and more, I find she was right.
Did the president really think that anyone would listen to him after his litany of lies and broken promises? Really smart Americans will seek out the sources he referred to. Of course, if you have been educated in the public school system and indoctrinated in one of our liberal colleges, you probably cannot think for yourself. Fortunately, my critical thinking ability is intact; I went to a parochial school where we learned proper English and mathematics. Your fawning press can only repeat what you tell them so you think that all of us should fall into a slavish adoring public. Sorry, sir, I can’t even stand to watch your appearances and must change the channel before I get sick. I just do not want to hear another lie; is that so wrong? When I was growing up, I broke some rules, as most children will. There were reprimands for the misdeed but lying would yield a double punishment. Somehow, I think that lesson was never taught in your home.