A vicious and vile name calling attack has had its desired effect. Once again, the American people are the losers. I think our first republican president is turning over in his grave. He paid the ultimate price to unite the country, though there was massive opposition. No one is asking today’s politicians to pay that price, but some backbone would do nicely. A pox on politics as usual. It is past the time to reverse the trend. The liberal lies to the populace have to be exposed. Damn the protocol! Joe Wilson (SC) was right when he said, “you lie” http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qgce06Yw2ro Joe was right but protocol demanded an apology for his passionate outburst. I think the president should have to apologize for his lies, all of them. Our “liar-in-chief” cannot appear publicly without lying; and yet the media does not hold him accountable. They worship at his feet accusing anyone who disagrees with him of being a racist. Conservatives do not give a damn about the color of his skin; it is his political agenda with which they disagree. Lying is an abomination, or in his case an ‘obamanation’.
The inquiries into Benghazi, Fast and Furious, the IRS scandal, etc. have to be fast tracked. This president should be subpoenaed to appear before Congress and answer why no one has been, in his words, “held accountable”. He has used his position to intimidate those who would stand in his way. He has defended the rights of terrorists rather than the rights of American citizens and soldiers. His administration (and by extension he too) has extolled Islam while punishing Christianity. If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck, it isn’t necessarily Duck Dynasty.
Regarding the low polls: ignore them! Numbers can be made to say whatever the pollster wants to convey; you just ask the questions of the right (or wrong) people. The ‘divide and conquer’ strategy appears to have worked, in this case. Let that be a lesson. As for the verification of income to qualify for Obamacare, that point is a big fat nothing! The only verification that will be done will be on conservative applicants. We already know about the IRS bias so, if you are a Christian or a Tea Party member, expect to have your income verified and probably have to pay more and wait longer to have treatments approved. Liberals will be given a free ride and will most likely include names like Donald Duck, Mickey Mouse, and other fictitious names as discovered in previous elections.
Despite what the media tries to convey, the Tea Party conservatives have the right approach. They are the heart and soul of America and their very existence scares the hell out of liberals. I hope they will wear the name calling as a badge of honor and a sign that they are feared. Yes, I am a political arsonist; I want to burn out the cronyism and blaze a path, once again, to American freedom.