First let me say that it is time to abolish the two party system. I believe that there are so many Independents because they do not agree with some of the policies or candidates in either party. The two party system does not give them the freedom to choose their candidate in the primary elections. In most (if not all) states, you must be registered either democrat or republican in order to vote. I know this because I used to be registered as an Independent. Wanting to voice my opinion on a referendum question that was being proposed during a primary, I stood in a long line and when I reached the sign in table and answered the question about my party affiliation, I was told that I could not vote. That opportunity was lost but I changed my party affiliation so that would not happen again. Having to do that did not generate a sense of loyalty to the party; just a sense of “I’m doing what I have to do in order to exercise my rights”. Ergo, my registration does not diminish my independent attitude. Back to the subject at hand.
Alphabetically first, this being a blog and therefore my opinion, the DNC is composed of two distinct types: those who sit in positions of authority whom I refer to as “demoncrats” (not a typo) and then there are those who believe the palaver of the demoncrats who IMHO are unable to use critical thinking ability or logic. The democratic party leaders are primarily lawyers. They probably prefer the term ‘attorney’ because ‘lawyer’ sounds too much like ‘liar’. I think it was Shakespeare who suggested “The first thing we do, let’s kill all the lawyers”. And then there is “How can you tell when a lawyer is lying? His lips are moving”. Lawyers know how to parse their words so that you think they are saying what you want them to say, but they are not. Most people hear what they want to hear anyway so this is a moot point. The DNC is smart enough to know that young people are idealistic and inexperienced. They believe in utopia because they have not yet been exposed to the real world. They are fodder for that party.
Now the RNC is composed of stodgy men who generate the platform of the party, (why do they call it a party when it is anything but?) and loyal conservatives who know you cannot dig your way out of a hole by digging a bigger hole. Most people are conservative because they have had life experiences which prove that point of view. But loyalty only goes so far. Dogs will remain loyal even if you treat them badly. Most conservative people, on the other hand, have a mind of their own. There are limits to how far they can be expected to comply. Early on in this latest campaign, the polls showed a lack of enthusiasm for the RNC’s choice of a candidate. No matter, we will convince them thought the honchos. Not so said the constituency. The choice was painful; the devil we know vs the devil we don’t know. In the end, enough people decided to make no choice which resulted in four more years of gridlock and pain for the American people. The system needs to changed.