Stat of the Union Address-An Academy Award winning performance

I saw the State of the Union address as a pre-emptive strike against any conservative attempts to de-fund already redundant and/or superfluous government programs. To his credit, the president knows how to articulate ideas; but that is the essence of his ability. He does not play well with others. He has not interacted with Congress in a bi-partisan way and has set himself above the law by making demands via “executive orders” rather than congressional actions. The “change” that was promised four years ago has been detrimental to the American economy and a hindrance to the personal freedoms of most Americans. The president talks about coming together as if it included him, when, he exempts himself from what he demands of others. We need to use less fossil fuels while he takes Air Force One to lavish vacations and speaking venues that serve only to inflate his ego. He admitted that the “sequester” was a bad idea; it was HIS idea. I think that when the American people saw the panel of people who were deemed capable of solving the sequester problem, they had to know that there would be no agreement. This was another show for the benefit of the unintelligent people who believe the rhetoric. This POTUS is great at seizing an opportunity to LOOK like he cares. The appearance of concern strengthens the dedication of his devotees. When you examine the facts, they were just  photo ops to promote his agenda, whatever it might have been at the time. On raising the minimum wage, I am not an economist but I believe that raising the minimum wage will disable our economy even further. Personal observation alone will show that every time the minimum wage goes up, so does the price of all commodities. It does not take a genius to figure that one out, so why the hype? Is the real purpose of his agenda to destroy America?

Regarding our military, since when has it been a tactical advantage to announce your plans to the enemy? And it sounded like there was a veiled reference to arming some of the countries that have harbored terrorists. Whatever the rationale, that is not a good idea. Really, paring down our defense system while building up countries that have cultivated an anti-American attitude? That is kind of like giving the bully on the playground a stick so he can beat you to a pulp.

The president did mention transparency several times. I guess he doesn’t mean about the Benghazi attack or the Brian Terry murder with a “fast and furious” gun. And where did he mention that the murders in Chicago are the result of illegal guns, not ones purchased according to law. News flash: criminals are NOT law abiding citizens. And, conversely, law abiding citizens are not criminals.

If you believe the rhetoric proposed in the State of the Union address, then you probably believe in the tooth fairy. Talk is cheap. Something that is not cheap is hiring a lawyer to keep your college transcripts concealed. I wonder which liberal billionaire is taking care of that? There won’t be any transparency with that issue, either. The proposals that are suggested by the president should be compiled into book form and titled “Obama’s Fables” but that suggests that there is a moral to the stories. The only moral I can see is “never trust a lawyer”.