The Saga of Phil Robertson

The back and forth of this story has gone beyond belief. First amendment, politically correct, corporate obligations, freedom of speech, all of these are reasons for the elite to make their opinions valid. And all of it is crap. To me it is simple: Christianity versus secularism. There is an American Indian proverb which says: “Never criticize a man until you have walked a mile in his moccasins”. I have watched Duck Dynasty and read Phil’s book, “Happy, Happy, Happy”. At no time, either in the book or on the show, does this man and his family demonstrate anything other than love and faith. Their show is wholesome family entertainment. There is no foul language or nudity. There is not a mean streak in any of their antics. Anyone who has raised more than two children can see the playfulness of male siblings. I love that they do not curse. You never have to worry that someone is going to drop the “F” bomb or that there might be a wardrobe malfunction. Perhaps the show is not racy enough for A&E. Speaking of race, some are saying that Phil’s comments about having no race problem in the sixties is bias. I say, see the proverb above. Phil’s book states clearly that, as a child, his family was dirt poor. Scratching out a living on land that belonged to others. He was “poor white trash” in his own words. Poor people are too busy trying to survive to be racist and very often their world includes people of color who are also poor. You don’t tend to notice a racial divide in the form of political problems until you have some change in your pocket. Skin color does not matter when you and all of those around you are trying to survive.

Now, I have a question, much like the question that has never been answered on Benghazi. (Who pushed the video?) In this case, it is “Who pushed the interview with GQ?” I can see Phil being interviewed by “Field and Stream” or “Outdoor Living” but “GQ”??? Was that A&E’s idea? Was that their way of eliminating the man who refused their requests to say the before meal prayer without invoking the name of “Jesus”? Phil and his family do not just talk the talk, they walk the walk. People who try to condemn his words do not understand his devotion to his beliefs. The Bible tells us not to be lukewarm in our faith; this man is not. Some accuse him of being crass. Perhaps they mean that he does not use today’s language of political correctness. Hooray for you, Phil. It is all double speak anyway and I would rather hear the truth.

Sadly, Christians today are being forced to stifle their beliefs in order to allow less traditional lifestyles a place in the world. At the same time, those with less traditional lifestyles are encouraged to be intolerant of anyone with a differing opinion. Maybe the the argument around Phil should be tolerance versus intolerance. In that case, Phil wins.

Another American Indian proverb says [I am paraphrasing] that we all have two wolves inside of us, one evil and one good. The one who wins is the one we feed. Bon appetite, America.


I am enraged! Is this America or have we become Nazi Germany or communist Russia? The PC police are turning this country into just that.

Christians can expect to be punished for simply believing and professing their faith in their personal lives without harming others; while those who differ with them are free to express almost anything. In short, a true Christian believes “love the sinner, but not the sin”. Somehow that is not good enough for today’s citizenry. If you do not openly accept another person’s way of life, then you are castigated. They DEMAND acknowledgement with full acceptance while refusing to allow your personal beliefs to be professed. As Christians we know that every person is a child of God, and should be given the freedom to live as they choose without harm or malice. For the most part, Christians are tolerant but things are getting out of control. The PC police (whoever they are) have systematically exposed other lifestyles through television and movies which have become a form of desensitization. The more you see something, the easier it becomes to accept it. Then, slowly, the entire populace acquiesces. How very clever. Then there are the vocal outbursts making accusations that never occurred. Listen up, just because people do not agree with your way of life, it does not qualify as hate speech. We all have differing opinions, that is not cause for a war. Shame on those companies that try to control our personal belief system. The first amendment to our Constitution allows us that privilege  just as it allows others to practice as they choose. Why do you want to attack the first show since “Touched by an Angel”  that promotes good family values. The Duck Commander has demonstrated that he is a righteous man who has walked many difficult roads and has been sustained by his beliefs and his family values. I doubt that today’s yuppies would survive such obstacles. And those who quote the Bible with their “Love one another” sayings do not seem to realize that there is a difference between love and lust. Who are you to demand obeisance? Your lifestyle is not more valid than any Christian’s lifestyle.

Instead, why not inflict pressure on child molesters, those who commit honor killings, and radicals who would do harm to America. Oh, and here is another possibility: how about putting some pressure on a president who has repeatedly lied to the American people. That one is seemingly impossible because he knows enough about the constitution to walk all over it; and any challenges to his governance will always be met loudly with “you are a racist”.



This was sent to me via email and I felt it should be made public. It was posted on face book by a librarian from West Virginia, Danny McMillon.

We’re the battling boys of Benghazi
No fame, no glory, no paparazzi.
Just a fiery death in a blazing hell
Defending our country we loved so well.
It wasn’t our job, but we answered the call,
Fought to the Consulate and scaled the wall.
We pulled twenty Countrymen from the jaws of fate
Led them to safety, and stood at the gate.
Just the two of us, and foes by the score,
But we stood fast to bar the door.
Three calls for reinforcement, but all were denied,
So we fought, and we fought, and we fought ’til we died.
We gave our all for our Uncle Sam,
But Barack Obama didn’t give a damn.
Just two dead SEALs who carried the load
No thanks to us………we were just “Bumps In The Road”.

So will this reach every American with a computer? Or do we act like the press and give a pass to the uncaring and incompetent people who literally sat there in the White House, the State Department and the Pentagon and watched the SEALs’ execution on live streaming video and did absolutely nothing? The Obama Administration obviously won’t be held accountable because we apparently accept Hilary Clinton’s statement, “What difference does it make?”

This tribute to the Navy Seals does not mention two other Americans killed in that battle, one of them our Ambassador to Libya. There are so many questions about that night and this administration refuses to reveal the answers. I want to know who is really in charge? With all of the president’s denials, and empty promises, is there a “Wizard of Oz” behind the curtains of the White House? There are so many nefarious dealings and so much of the taxpayer’s money being thrown out to friends of the administration, that it is impossible to trust ANYTHING they say. To quote Mark Twain, “Denial ain’t just a river in Egypt.”