All my life I have known people on welfare who seem to be much more affluent than the working class people around them. They sport the latest iPhones, jewelry on every part of their body that can be bedazzled, tattoos, fancy cars, & you name it, they have it. How could they afford it all? Double dipping on their benefits would explain a lot, but I thought there were safeguards in place to prevent that kind of fraud and abuse. Well, there appears to be no safeguards or maybe the system doesn’t care to use them. In gathering information over the years, the following seems to represent some methods of deception.

A female finds herself in need, she is pregnant, has a child and her husband has abandoned her. She applies for welfare using her married name. Undoubtedly, this person would qualify for assistance and should receive it. When the baby is born, her benefits increase because of the additional dependent. Fast forward a few months. The woman looks for a job but does not want to lose her benefits so when she applies for the job, she uses her maiden name. Now she has two incomes although the system does not know she is working and the employer does not know she is on welfare. This is one scenario, but there are more.
A woman has a baby out of wedlock and applies for welfare. When asked the name of the baby’s father, she gives the name but claims he has moved from the area. She is given benefits. Within a year or two she presents with another baby for which she receives benefits. She can keep repeating this pattern as long as she chooses. The system will increase her benefits with every new dependent. This woman, while irresponsible, is not as bad as the following one. In this case, The woman has several children with different “baby daddies” and applies for assistance under different names using the baby daddy’s names. This, of course, will cover her and the baby. But since she is using a different name each time she applies, she is receiving her benefits repeatedly and not just the coverage for the added dependent. Oh, and if she is so inclined, she could vote using all of those pseudonyms.
The welfare system was designed to be a temporary fix and not a way of life; just as being a politician was not meant to be a career. It is the career politicians who have caused dysfunction in our families. The expanding entitlements drive apart fathers from their children and reward the irresponsible choices of many women. The decline in our country’s morals coincides with the secular progressive movement to remove God from public venues. Although a majority of Americans are people of faith, the courts have ruled in favor of the few who are not. I believe those rulings are unconstitutional in that they find for the few while depriving the many. In denying our right to petition God openly, we disavow the morality of His teachings. How can we right the Ship of State which is headed for destruction? With God all things are possible. Matthew 19:26


Ever since the election of 2012 I have been pondering voter fraud and how it might be done. The democratic party seems to win against all odds. Voter fraud was proven on a small scale in several cases but the numbers of false votes would have to be enormous for them to be so confident. I considered the possibility of illegals voting but without a photo ID, there could be no system of verification. I thought about absentee ballots but I am unable to get to the polls so I use an absentee ballot myself. I was hesitant to jeopardize my vote. Then my uncle had to be placed in a nursing home. He was somewhere between early onset Alzheimer’s and dementia and had become unpredictable and sometimes uncompromising. It broke my cousin’s heart to have to place her dad in a nursing home. Her mom had already passed away and she has no siblings so responsibility for his care fell completely on her; she visited her dad daily. She spent hours every day making sure that he had everything he needed and/or wanted. She filled out forms and checked his medications, made sure his clothes were clean and, in general, was attentive to his over all well being. One day when she came in, a staff member was filling out a form on behalf of her father. It was a voter registration form and she had listed him as democrat. My cousin hit the roof. Her father had been a republican his entire life. How dare they register him democrat when he was unable to assert himself. The staff member claimed it was just a part of their formalities; and, of course, she changed the form while my cousin watched.
We all know that the “graying of America” refers to the senior population becoming the largest proportion of its citizens. I have witnessed the growth of more nursing homes and assisted living facilities as this proves true. If these facilities are government funded, the practice of auto registration to the democratic party may be practiced. By extension, votes may be generated the same way; without knowledge or consent of the patient; or worse, after the patient has deceased. I have been told that people on Obamacare are also registered automatically in the democratic party; but I have no verification of that, however plausible it seems.
I love my country and the freedom it offers. I love being able to make choices that I feel are in accordance with my beliefs. It is regrettable that we are gradually losing our freedoms to political elites who think they know what is “best” for us. They do not!
As in the formation of our country, the people must stand and be counted. We can no longer allow the ruling class to impose their version of America on “We the People”. If you have relatives in a nursing home, please check to see if they have been registered to vote according to their preference. You might even want to secure an absentee ballot on their behalf. This election must renew our founder’s beliefs in the God given liberty established in our Constitution and ordained for all who choose to call America home. God bless our United States!