Just as a thief wears gloves to hide any evidence of his unlawful deeds, so our president has a cadre of “gloves” and a lexicon of excuses. It is painfully obvious to red blooded Americans that this president stands against every principle that makes America great and everyone who has defended or assisted America.

His domestic policies increased our national debt, brought a downgrade in our credit rating, increased the jobless rate, added to welfare rolls via the food stamp program, created division among the people, invited an invasion of illegal children, released criminals into the populace, and spoke lies and more lies ad infinitum.

Normally an elected president will announce a foreign policy that promises to defend America. This president has chosen to eliminate our defenses and apologize to the world for our strength and willingness to protect the right to be free. His response to aggressive actions is to back away and exit stage left. Sometimes, if the aggression demands action, he will verbally deliver an ultimatum, which turns out to be meaningless. The world, while initially pleased with America’s display of racial equality, has come to disdain everything for which this president stands. Countries that, in the past, readily joined forces with America, no longer trust the words and commitment of America’s leader.

President Obama’s ability to utter the expected words for a critical occasion seems sincere. When there is a solemn occasion, he will tell us that “scripture” says; he does not use the words “the Bible says”. But in Islam, the Koran is considered scripture. The insincerity of his words is proven repeatedly by his failure to take appropriate action despite the often used phrase “rest assured”. Unfortunately, the main stream media seems to focus on what he says rather than what he fails to do.

American soldiers, doctors, ministers, journalists, as well as any individuals who have assisted America, languish in foreign prisons while this president frees a deserter by releasing five of Gitmo’s terrorist detainees. He appears to defend the heinous crimes committed by Islamic jihadists by not calling them “Islamic” terrorists. When he mentions areas in the middle east in a positive light, it seems to trigger the beginning of a revolution; the most notables being The Arab Spring, ISIS, and Yemen.

Suspicions are circumstantial because intent cannot be proven and so we are chained to a president who has been a tyrannical ruler, overstepping his authority and sidestepping his co-equal branches of government. He demands protocol from others but refuses to follow constitutional protocol. His design for America is treasonous in its failure to maintain our defenses while implementing regulations that hamper the growth and stability of America. He openly rejects allied democracies like Israel while excusing the terrorist regimes of our enemies. As oppressed people of the world are afraid to speak out against their tyrannical rulers, so the media seems to be afraid to challenge this president. They excuse him as inexperienced or incompetent. What if he wants to seem incompetent so that he can manipulate America from within, using our freedoms against us?  His heritage is half caucasian yet he presses the issue of racial equality to take  advantage of his skin color. In the words of Allen West, “Americans need to hold Obama to the same standards they would for a white president.”