On April 2, 2014 the Washington Times had an article by Andrew P. Napolitano which contained several “what if” scenarios. It was thought provoking and inspired this alternative point of view.
President Obama is supposed to have taught Constitutional law. I would think that makes him an expert on its content and execution. And, yet, the press excuses his breaches of the Constitution by giving him a ‘benefit of the doubt’ pass. He cannot be an expert and oblivious simultaneously.
What if he studied the Constitution so that he could circumvent it?
What if his early mistakes in foreign diplomacy were a way of testing how much the media would let him get away with?
What if his college records were sealed because he wrote papers on how to collapse a free market system?
What if The czars he appointed are changing our policy and rules handbooks to discourage American ideals?
What if he has so much time to play golf because a puppet master is making policy decisions?
What if his increasing the national debt, lavish spending on vacations and websites that don’t work and failing green energy projects is an attempt to contribute to the bankruptcy of America?
What if the scandals of Benghazi, the IRS, the VA, Fast and Furious, (to name a few) were orchestrated by him or someone close to him in the White House?
What if the outrage he expressed at their revelation was just another lie? After all, he has done nothing to bring to justice any of the guilty parties; and he has failed to cooperate in disclosing relevant information.
What if his illegal implementation of the ‘Dream Act’ is meant to overwhelm our system of government or worse yet, mask the influx of criminals and terrorists through our southern border?
What if his unilateral actions,which ignore the co-equal branches of government, are a deliberate defiance of the rule of law? As a lawyer, he knows that intent is hard to prove.
What if releasing illegal criminals from prisons was a way to create popular chaos so that he could declare martial law and thus become the only voice of authority?
What if his ‘leading from behind’ policy is a subtle way of helping the terrorists?
What if the ‘change’ in his “hope and change” mantra means changing America from a free society to a caliphate?
Does all of this sound absurd? When you look at everything that has occurred in the last six years, can you present a valid defense for his actions? His team has used the race card as the reason people oppose his policies. That is not a rational argument! I believe he has used that card to his benefit and America’s detriment.
And, finally, has he intervened on behalf of American patriots and Christians imprisoned and tortured in foreign countries? His sympathies obviously are not with America.
What if…?