It is February just after the New Hampshire primaries and this is my personal assessment of the remaining candidates for the 2016 presidential election. I am not a pundit or an expert on political matters, nor do I consider myself a “low information voter”. I am merely an ordinary American citizen who wants to share an opinion.
In alphabetical order.
Jeb Bush: accepted by the GOP who desperately want him to win. The people have other ideas.
Ben Carson: a wonderful and kind man who should not be thrown into the evil pit of politics.
Ted Cruz: Originally, I felt good about supporting him; but the more I learn the more doubtful I become.
John Kasich: Evidently has a good record, I’m not sure that is enough to win the presidency. Not many people know him and it seems no one cares about past records.
Marco Rubio: Has conducted himself with dignity. He has not attacked others personally but has challenged their positions while defending his own. He took responsibility rather than blaming others when his campaign stumbled.
Donald Trump: He says what he knows the people want to hear but he also says things that nobody wants to hear. He blames others for perceived shortfalls; and, I wonder if the reason he is self funding is because no one would take him seriously enough to contribute to his campaign. If He becomes president, eminent domain will likely become a way of life. He is in the real estate business. Do you think he would not make deals that would profit his private sector business? The Donald is a good salesman, which is kind of like a good community organizer.
On to our democratic candidates. There are only two.
Hillary Clinton: The presumptive candidate will probably be on the ballot even if she is indicted. Her sense of entitlement borders on the absurd. How can you tell when a lawyer is lying? Their lips are moving. The DNC will protect Hillary to the very end.
Bernie Sanders: The only one brave enough to face down the Clinton “machine”. He is not a democrat, but an avowed socialist running on the democratic ticket. Bernie could win if the low information voters turn out as they did for Obama. They don’t understand that “free” is not free.
Why are there not more candidates on the democratic ticket? Is everyone afraid of Hillary? Does Obama have something dire in store for us as we approach the election? Does he have a puppet to carry on his destructive plan for America? Is Bernie his puppet?
You can probably tell who I am leaning toward; as with all writings, the author presents a shaded opinion. My decision is based on having watched and listened to the candidates spar. I have tried to imagine what each presidency might reveal. Our country is on the brink of disaster and there is no time to train another inexperienced person, nor should we allow a continuation of the current policies by electing one who would keep them in place. Think hard before you vote.
Our God given freedoms are in jeopardy.