CHRISTIANS – in the lion’s den

I am extremely offended! Every day there is news of Christians being denied their right to practice the religion of their choice. Somehow, the government wants us not to offend those who practice the Muslim faith of Islam while, at the same time, they offend and persecute  every Christian sect in America. Understand this: the first amendment to the Constitution GUARANTEES our right to freedom of worship. For those who do not know what that amendment says, here it is verbatim.

      Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.

Note the absence of the phrase “separation of church and state”. The seculars, those who want to remove all mention of God from our culture, like to quote the separation phrase to push their agenda. That phrase was used by Thomas Jefferson in a letter to John Locke when he wanted to assure Locke that the new constitutional government would not be able to interfere with his (Locke’s) free exercise of religion. You see, many of the new colonists emigrated to escape the religious intolerance of the crown. They had beliefs different from the imposed religion and could have been imprisoned for their beliefs; hence the letter of assurance. A partial copy of the letter is copied here for your better understanding.

“Believing with you that religion is a matter which lies solely between Man & his God, that he owes account to none other for his faith or his worship, that the legitimate powers of government reach actions only, & not opinions, I contemplate with sovereign reverence that act of the whole American people which declared that their legislature should ‘make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof,’ thus building a wall of separation between Church and State.” 

The wall that exists is there to protect our right to worship as we choose and NOT to prevent us from worshipping.

In my opinion, every law that prohibits the free exercise of an individual’s right to worship, is unconstitutional. I never could understand how laws can be made to accommodate one person at the expense of a hundred people who disagree with that law. Yet, somehow, the courts have found for the minority. We are not allowed to offend the 20% but they are allowed to offend the 80%. (percentages approximated) Our soldiers are being told they cannot openly read their Bibles, Bible study groups are being told they cannot gather, organizations that normally begin their meetings with a prayer are being told that they cannot pray, schools that have always begun their festivities with a prayer are told they must refrain. What in God’s name is happening?!  Have we all been transported to a Muslim country? Our attorney general endeavors to defend the rights of Muslim extremists who attack our way of life. American citizens have shed their blood for the freedoms they are being denied; simultaneously, those who have spilled the blood of Americans are given rights that they, in my opinion, do not deserve. Why does this administration show favor to terrorists while persecuting American citizens? Something is rotten in the state of Denmark.

Another organization with a proclivity for twisting freedoms against the majority, is the A.C.L.U. My personal protest of their actions comes every Christmas when I send a religious Christmas card to their New York office. Inside I write “Merry Christmas” above my name then add, “ it’s freedom OF religion, not freedom FROM  religion ”.





An Open Letter to President Obama 2013

Dear Barry,

In 2007 when you were campaigning, you promised “hope and change”. The American people believed you were talking about their hopes, and that the change would be, in your words, a more transparent process. Now it is apparent that the hope and change you referred to was YOUR hope to change our democratic republic. But I digress. In 2008 we elected our first black (well, half black) president. Congratulations America, you have proof that you have overcome racism. At this point in time you demonstrated to the world that the opportunities in America lead to an equality that allows every person, regardless of race, to achieve their goals; the world applauded you. And, Barry, your choice of a vice president was brilliant. It guaranteed that no harm would come to you while you were in office.

Almost immediately after your election, my concern for our country began. During the walk through the portico, when President Bush was bringing you into the White House, you put your arm around his shoulder. I thought that was rather condescending. I have seen you do this to others. You do not know how to be gracious. Then, shortly after your inauguration, there was a news clip that showed you deplaning from Air Force One. The salute that you gave to the brave men who serve and protect you, looked more like you were flipping them the bird. I felt sorry for them. You are ungrateful. In the next few appearances you dressed in a casual manner, open collar, no tie; it showed a lack of dignity and respect for the office. Then there was the Nobel prize; what the heck was that for? At that point you had no achievements to boast except having sweet talked the American people into voting for you. There were gifts exchanged with dignitaries and visits to foreign countries where you observed the protocol in Arabic countries but violated protocol in other nations. Your fawning press chalked it up to your inexperience. At first, I did too, but after five years of observation, I have come to a different conclusion. You are deliberate and arrogant.  From the very beginning you made it clear that you preferred to embrace your black heritage. That is your prerogative; however, as president of the United States, that is not your elected duty. You are supposed to represent everyone; instead, you treat perpetrators as if they are victims. The scenarios you present are deceitful. You have repeatedly excused criminal behavior by blacks while  falsely accusing non-blacks. What about the people who have been accosted or intimidated by men of color?  Examples: the voters in Philadelphia, the journalists in Virginia, the baby in Georgia, and the thousands of others who have been affected by an unwanted experience at the hands of thugs. You have given the real victims no voice. Instead of inspiring others to achieve through learning, you foment civil discord. Your patronage of foul mouthed artists condones similar behavior in those who look up to you. What kind of a roll model are you? Sadly, you obviously do not care. Your prejudice  and intimidation makes you the most divisive person ever to reside in the White House. Your minions and czars have tormented those with differing opinions and with every crisis you brilliantly deliver the words meant to comfort the nation; but your words are hollow.  How can you stand in the highest achievable office and attempt to destroy its foundation? What kind of a person are you?

America was conceived in liberty and real Americans will protect their freedom. You cannot silence their voices. We are proud of our country. Evidently, in spite of all it has given you, you are not.