George – the aftermath

This post is not about the unfortunate incident that occurred on February 26, 2012 in Sanford, Florida. It is about the reaction of those who disagree with the verdict in the case and are attempting to stoke the flames of racial bias which may lead to rioting.

There has been an unending litany of liberal voices decrying the verdict in the George Zimmerman trial. You protestors do nothing to advance your cause. In fact, you show a complete ignorance of the real facts of the case. That regrettable event resulted in the loss of a young man’s life and cannot be undone. What can and should be changed is an attitude that refuses to accept the truth. Efforts spent in pointing fingers of blame would be better spent on trying to enrich the lives of those at risk. How many of you hear the truth? How can you hear the truth when you will not allow any other voices to be heard?  You talk over dissenters as if that will change the facts. Look in the mirror and see the real problem! You are the problem with your “inciting to riot” rhetoric! My mother said that God gave us two ears and one mouth because we are meant to listen twice as much as we speak. When confronted with the truth, you shout over it; how pathetic is that? You are supposed to be educated and instead of reaching out to less fortunate people to show them the value of education, you sit in your ivory towers blaming the most convenient target for the shortcomings of our youth. You should be talking to people about the benefits of learning and encourage them to think about the possibilities they could achieve. You should talk about being responsible for your own actions. Instead, you promote irresponsibility by failing to accept the truth and then casting blame on society. What a crock of crap!!! Most people go out of their way to be non-judgemental.

Radio and television outlets present their biased version of events and you join their bias by not investigating further before you jump to a prejudicial conclusion. Shame on you! In your rush to judgement, you are causing more individuals to be at risk. Some people are not well informed and depend on respected leaders to tell them the truth but you pander to their ignorance.

As long as you expect someone else to fix things, they will never be fixed. Throwing money at the problem will not fix things. Giving free things will not fix the problem. The problem is attitude about the inherent values we cannot measure: education, responsibility, respect, and morality. Teach our youth to appreciate knowledge, teach them to be responsible for their actions, teach them to respect one another. It may not be COOL but being cool can be hazardous to your health.  And you, who foster an attitude of rebellion, are a detriment and likely the cause of continued violence. To reflect on the past when things were different from today’s society, is the same as picking at a wound so that it never heals. Every ethnicity has had negative reactions to something in their past. We learn from them, we heal and then we grow up; hopefully becoming a better person. This country has offered tremendous opportunities to its citizens; if they choose not to take advantage of them, it is not the fault of society. It seems to me that one of the traits missing in todays culture is gratitude. Instead of expressing thanks for having advanced our culture beyond the primitive ideals of the past, some prefer to dwell in that dark place. Fomenting errors of the past, keeps the ill will festering and prevents more advances from becoming a reality.

When is the last time you went to a school to speak about how you achieved your status by getting an education? Have you ever spoken on the subject of mutual respect? It seems not likely.  When is the last time you mentored anyone?

Sadly, if George Zimmerman were black, this event would have gone completely unnoticed.

AMERICA – Love it or Leave it!

This month we celebrated the birth of our nation. The United States of America is unique in all of the world. The founding fathers fought the tyranny of their homelands to establish a nation of freedom. They risked their lives and their fortunes in the process. The Declaration of Independence also mentions risking their “sacred honor”, which seems to be a trait missing in today’s politicians. The Constitution of The United States was written by men who understood the meaning of freedom because they experienced its loss in so many parts of their lives.

Freedom of expression, freedom of religion, freedom to protect what is yours and to follow your personal pursuits according to your own God given gifts, are ensured not only by our Constitution but first and foremost by God, our Creator. The checks and balances wrought by implementing three separate and distinct branches of government was designed to prevent one branch or another from becoming dominant and possibly tyrannical.

Today that document is all but shredded. Those valiant men would not recognize the country we have become. A country not “of the people by the people and for the people”, but a country of the lobbyists by the rich and for the self-serving politicians. Today’s politicians have inflicted laws on the populace which they do not follow because they exempted themselves from the very laws they created. These so-called servants of the people force the people into servitude with their unending tax burdens. Revenues are imposed in the name of doing what is best for our country. The reality is that they do what is best to get the politicians re-elected. And every new mandate erodes another of our freedoms. Bills that are introduced with a seemingly altruistic intent do not reveal the number of amendments to the bill that are inserted in order to buy another vote. Where is the integrity of these people? They no longer represent the will of the people; they represent the lobby with the deepest pockets. Those in office who guard their lavish lifestyles at our expense, refuse to be parsimonious and decry any opposition by using deceitful rhetoric in their attacks.

The reason that so many people emigrate to America is because of the freedom and opportunity it offers. Freedoms stolen from us, opportunities lost due to unreasonable regulations, political correctness, corrupt politicians, and an educational system that no longer teaches the history of our nation, all contribute to the destruction of America. To people who want to change our system to reflect their beliefs instead of ours, I say, “This is OUR country!” Love it or leave it – after all – here in America you are free to go. And to those politicians who think we need to change our country, find another country to change. Your apologies and misrepresentation of our American values has caused more harm than good. Your changes have only served to weaken our financial system, demoralize our citizens, and cripple our economy. You are living an elitist lifestyle and are out of touch with ordinary and hard working people. Our founding fathers did mot envision career politicians. Wake up America! Vote the incumbents out.