On June 17, 2013 I was watching “The O’Reilly Factor” and he had a guest who talked about her computer being hacked. Now I am a nobody in particular and am unimportant to everybody except my children and grandchildren. But during the course of their conversation, I said, “Hey, that has happened to my computer.” It has turned on by itself and my emails lately are not where I left off the day before. I openly refer to myself as “technically challenged” and the curiosity of what was happening left me without answers until all of this ‘data mining‘ started to come to light.
The day after the 2012 election, I was so upset that I started to blog. One of my posts was published in a local newspaper. Not too long after that I tried to log on to post another item on my blog and could not log on. When I contacted the server, they said that there was a problem and that they had to install another firewall. Since I am normally not a paranoid person, I chalked it all up to technicalities. After all, I am just an old lady with opinions about liberty and a love for the freedoms we in America are privileged to have. Now I am not so sure.
My passion for America is reflected in the tenets of the Tea Party movement. Long before there was a ‘Tea Party’, while I was struggling as a single mother, I discovered that much of my earnings were spent on taxes; Income tax, sales tax, property taxes, school taxes, and the myriad of hidden taxes we pay when we use almost everything. Gasoline taxes embedded into the price of the gasoline, a portion of the tolls we pay are taxes for supposed road maintenance (infrastructure), utility bills with taxes, and on and on infinitum. In the late 1990’s, while trying to refinance my mortgage, I was caught in the mortgage debacle and had to sell my home or lose it to foreclosure. I used to tell people that it was time for another tea party.
For those who have not been taught American History, the Boston Tea Party occurred because the colonists refused to pay the high taxes that the crown (England) was imposing on them for the import of tea. That was in 1773 and was the beginning of a revolt which ultimately led to the American revolution and the birth of our United States. This is a simplified explanation; look it up and learn a lot more. I see the modern day “Tea Party” movement as a similar call to action against the tyranny of a bloated government and ‘taxation without representation’. I have received emails from many of their groups and, while I am without the means to make contributions, I support their efforts by contacting my congressmen on various issues. Their emails have been curiously absent but the reason for that seems to be connected with the administration’s agenda to constrict our freedoms.
My voice alone is not important. With others it will be heard. I will not be silenced; I will not be intimidated. I am an American and I am free!
Remember, “Just because you’re paranoid doesn’t mean they aren’t after you”.