This phrase is used when observing similarity of action from parent to child. It can be cute, to quirky, to deadly.
In the case of our president, it has become the death knell of American freedom. The history of his parentage and mentors boasts of anti-american associates. From his earliest years he looked up to those who would destroy the American way, whatever their motivation. Ingrained in his personality is a desire to bring down America. Somehow, he does not seem to realize that it is America that has allowed him to achieve the most coveted position in the world. An even scarier thought is: maybe he does. The pain he inflicts on the populace, the restrictions imposed on our businesses, the immorality of laws forced on unwilling citizens, are crushing. All of this while he takes advantage of the many perks and privileges of his office.
I was cautioned as a child to choose my friends carefully because people judge you by the company you keep. No such admonition or judgement for the president. In fact, he surrounded himself with the most radical idealists; and his appointees mirror his agenda to bankrupt and destroy the American dream and replace it with a change that only he knows. He is well versed in the nuances of the constitution and is careful to avoid an open defiance of its principles, which denies his opposition a legal attack based on malfeasance of the presidential oath. Instead, when faced with a controversy, he offers a seemingly patriotic platitude while his czars or appointees devise a plan to distract from the crisis. (e.g. Benghazi/video) Another tactic is to delay legal information and processing. (IRS/tea party) And, of course, when all else fails, there is no way to prove he knew of the dastardly deeds. (plausible deniability) Add to this the adulation of liberal media refusing to hold him accountable for ANY improprieties, a penchant for misrepresenting the truth, quantitative easing which is devaluing our dollar, and an incalculable national debt. America is confronting disaster!
There are those who have been in the company of the president and speak of his intelligence, then give him the benefit of the doubt by saying he does not understand the consequences of his actions or inactions. Isn’t that contradictory?
I think that intellectual Americans have come to a different conclusion. This president has chosen to inflict pain and divide our country. He has governed by intimidation and deception. His lack of leadership while affording himself the luxuries of office has turned the White House into subsidized housing and the largest government welfare program in American history. People who expected a change for the better are disappointed and expressing their disdain.
The internet gives voice to individuals. Letters to D.C. are met with nothing more than a form letter reply. Citizen’s concerns fall mostly on deaf ears. With the internet we have freedom of expression and an opportunity to connect with those who are like minded. I believe that in his entire life, this president has never battled such criticism, and rather than defend his position, he wants to silence the dissenters by re-assigning control of the internet to a less free society. No other country in the world can boast of similar freedoms. Way to grow your fan club, Barry.