I have wanted to write this post for several weeks but hoped that the anarchy would subside; in fact, it has escalated. Two of New York City’s finest were murdered. They were shot execution style, while sitting in their patrol car. An obviously disturbed person believed that killing policemen is the kind of dissent encouraged by Al Sharpton, and by extension, the President of the United States. It seems that he was right in his assumption because the president has been slow to respond to this tragedy; yet he is swift and quite vocal in expressing his opinion when it comes to defending those who break the law. What kind of leader defends lawlessness? One, who, himself is lawless.

There are plenty of world situations that the president should be considering but he prefers to insert himself into city and state law enforcement. The inference is that local law enforcement is incapable. In my opinion he is the one who is incapable of being the leader of the free world, of taking action on any global issues. His abilities seem to lie in presenting false narratives in order to arouse the domestic population. It is a tragedy that his rhetoric is creating division among the citizens of this great country.
Without dissecting each of the incidents where police were involved, one more tragic than the other, resisting arrest was at the root of the problems which incited a backlash. Neither the president, Al Sharpton, nor the mayor of New York has spoken about respecting the law. It appears they want special consideration given to black lawbreakers, just because they are black. That attitude gives that community permission to commit crime without fear of retribution. Who, then, will maintain the peace? Or is utter chaos the goal of this administration?
I was taught to “respect your elders” and elders included those in authority. The thing about respect is: if you have no self respect, then you cannot teach respect to your children. And how can a person have self respect when they are fed by entitlements? When they disrespect their own bodies? When they fail to see the benefit of learning and achieving even small goals?
After Michael Brown was shot in Ferguson, the entitlement brigade descended on the town and stoked the fires of racial unrest until the ugly crowds looted and burned their own community’s businesses. I find it curious that major cities across the nation had protests which erupted simultaneously. Are they all part of the Sharpton network?
When the New York City policemen were unjustifiably assassinated, their families mourned and even extended forgiveness for the heinous act of murder. No violence, no looting, no burning down businesses. Can you see the difference between self respect and disrespect?
The changes these protestors demand has to start with themselves. All of the laws in the world cannot change an attitude that must begin within each individual. Demanding respect is not the answer when what they really want is submission. Self respect cannot be given. It is a personal achievement that is attained by acting responsibly; and when you respect yourself, you will have earned the respect of others and you will respect the law.


“J’accuse” was written by Emile Zola and published as an open letter in 1898. In it he accused the president of France and its government of Anti-Semitism. The letter focused on the unlawful imprisonment of Alfred Dreyfus. J’accuse! has become an expression of outrage against someone powerful.
Where are the Emile Zolas of today?
Almost every media outlet panders to this president. Those who speak the truth are demonized and labeled as racists, Islamophobes, flat earthers, and haters. My question is “Why”? Why does the media refuse to print the truth? What clouds their vision? Since you can’t really blame the under educated, are the media really the stupid people that Gruber referred to? They cannot say that it is un-American to criticize the president because they had no problem criticizing “W”.
This president has openly insulted and disparaged Israel, has released countless terrorist prisoners of war from Gitmo, has unleashed illegal alien criminals into American society, and has set back race relations in this country more than 60 years. His oath is to “protect and defend the Constitution” which he violates almost daily. Yet, nary a word from what is referred to as the mainstream media. Their adulation of him in spite of his lawlessness earns them the criminal charge of “accessory”. As the United States Of America collapses under the covert assault of this presidency, will they continue to defend his actions and inactions? Are they so myopic? Or are they basking in the artificial light that this president bestows? Does their obsequious behavior hope to curry some secret favors? Well, wake up! You are being used. Intelligent American patriots have seen through his facade while you are still waiting for his promised rewards. Like the Wizard of Oz, he is just a man of immense pretense. His words cannot be trusted and as long as you defend him, your words, too, cannot be trusted.
For those who say there is no proof of my allegations, ask yourself these questions: “Is America really better off than it was before he was elected?” “Do our global allies trust us?” “Is our national debt beneficial in any way shape or form?” and most importantly, “Do you feel safe and secure for yourself and your family?” The brilliance of this president is that he feigns the appropriate emotion for the moment and some people (not me) believe him. He does not allow them to see the truth; but his actions betray his words. He has lied repeatedly to the American people.
There are those who say we should respect the office of the president. It is a position that demands respect; but, conversely, the person who holds that office should respect the people and the authority he is given by the Constitution of the United States. This usurper in chief does neither. The burdens he has put upon ordinary citizens and small businesses is crushing. And yet, we must remain resolute for two more years. If we succumb to his provocations, we risk a declaration of martial law which would make him the supreme ruler of a once free nation.
We cannot let him win.


You have to hand it to progressives; they think long term and then work behind the scenes to quietly manipulate the outcome. Most people are thinking about their next paycheck or what they will do this weekend. Progressives started their agenda decades ago and appear to be reaching their goal of a robotic society.

Have you seen “The Stepford Wives”? I saw the original version and after that I began to question the motives of everything. The culture of todays society is sadly lacking in the ability to think independently. A loud voice in the crowd shouts “kill the monster” and everyone starts chanting “kill the monster” with nary a thought to what they are saying or what the consequences of their actions might be.
This kind of mentality flourishes under the poison being fed to children in our educational system. Curiosity normally stoked with thought provoking questions is stifled and replaced with programmed rhetoric. No longer is it important to teach the three R’s. Todays students are taught the three F’s: freedom (your own), fairness (others should not excel), and failure (is acceptable).
The removal of prayer from our schools began a decline in tolerance and respect. The advent of teacher’s unions brought a national curriculum, a scope and sequence of lessons designed for a gradual reduction of information to be learned by the student. Some dedicated teachers remained outside of the unions, choosing to teach in private, parochial or charter schools. Some parents decided to home school. These non traditional methods result in proficient students. Is that why this administration is against school vouchers and home schooling?
Allowing calculators into the classrooms of elementary schools was another step in the wrong direction; no more thinking, just push the buttons. Gradually, subjects were dropped under the guise of being outdated or unnecessary for life experiences. No more geography, civics, literature, and recently cursive handwriting [What?]. The subject of ‘health’ has become sex education and all of its hedonistic practices. A subject added and being taught as world history is Islam. Islam combines religion with governance because the way their laws are executed is directly connected to their religious convictions and practices. Where is the ACLU now?
It has taken decades but many younger Americans are being brainwashed to echo the lies of anti-American liberals. If there is any hope for our country, it can be found with those individuals like Dr. Ben Carson and Condoleezza Rice, who have succeeded under the guidance of a loving home environment. So, it can be done. The trick is to love our children more than we love being cool, more than we love our gadgets. It is not easy being a parent and it is even harder to be a good parent, but the rewards are innumerable. Your pride in your children will be real, not false. Your child will make a positive difference in the lives of others when you guide them in the light of truth; and not in the darkness of deception.
As it says in John 8:32 “… and the truth will set you free”.


Religion is defined as the belief in and worship of a superhuman power; a particular system of faith. Throughout the world there are many different religions that worship one or more gods. Even the most primitive and remote tribes practice some form of worship. If there is no supreme being, as in Buddhism, their belief centers on Karma, a practice that encourages acts of kindness to one another; for, as you do to another, so it will be done to you. In general, people who are religious look to a higher power, a spiritual being who will reward them for their good deeds or maybe punish them when they do wrong; ergo, most of their actions are largely beneficial.
When pilgrims came to the new land, they came to escape religious persecution from a country which demanded that they adhere to that country’s imposed religion. The Declaration of Independence and the formation of our Constitution guarantee freedom of religion, a promise that the state or government would not be able to prevent anyone from practicing their chosen system of faith. Here, in America, we have many different faiths practicing freely according to their prescribed teachings. They have done so while observing the laws that govern them as a nation and without contradiction of those laws.
There is one belief system, however, that cleverly entwines their religious practices with governance. With them there is no freedom to choose, no acceptance of other faiths. If you fail to adhere to their beliefs, they say you have broken their law. The consequences are predictably fatal. Problems arise when this group infiltrates free societies taking advantage of the social programs and freedoms of that society while they continue to practice aspects of their beliefs which contradict the laws of that land. The person who devised this system was convoluted to say the least and diabolically cunning when you think about it. A major distinction is in what this group believes about the afterlife. The zealots are promised many carnal rewards in their afterlife if they smite non-believers. Is that even possible? People who have had a near death experience speak of it as being “out of body”. In other words, leaving the body behind for an ethereal experience on a spiritual plane. They reference a feeling of love not one of lust. Without a body, there can be no lust.
The cowardly acts of murder which these zealots perpetrate on innocent, unsuspecting victims who have done them no personal harm are absolutely not acts that a righteous God would approve. Who then is their god?
Many religions have suffered a past that included practices of sacrifice or coercion. However, as civilization advanced, becoming more enlightened and educated, those practices were abandoned. It is unfathomable that such an absence of culture still exists in today’s world; especially since these barbaric zealots use modern western technology to advance their primitive ways. A hell of a hypocrisy?!
If this is Armageddon, be forewarned, my God is an awesome God. My God is a God of love and as it says in 1 Corinthians 13:8 “Love never fails”.


“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.” – Edmund Burke

The results of not being pro-active can be disastrous. This president has failed to take swift and decisive action to protect and defend the United States of America from the threat of the murderous barbarians ISIS. In fact, he refuses to admit that they are Islamic! Lone wolf terrorist attacks on American soil are not given their proper charge of terror even when the perpetrator has openly shouted words from the Koran during the heinous acts. This failure to address the crime for what it is, only emboldens similar behavior in other jihadists.  Protecting the rights of these terrorists leaves innocent Americans defenseless. Why would this administration shield these barbarians at the cost of meeting out justice for their victims? They have chosen to be the enemy of freedom and therefore the enemy of America.  As a  representative of the United States this president has appeared to the world to be ashamed of our country. His reputation for backing down (as in Syria) causes other countries to see him as undependable which is probably why forming a coalition has been hard. If ISIS is not defeated in the levant, the entire world is at risk of succumbing to their medieval attacks.

Our military is the most fearsome in the world and yet the president  diminishes their power by restricting their rules of engagement and reducing their numbers. They have been highly trained in the  defense of their country and he sends them out to clean the latrines.  As Commander-in-Chief, he fails to respect and protect our country, our military and our veterans while expecting them to pay homage to him, which they have done willingly. The media continues to excuse his failure to take action on ISIS as “ no experience” “he is in denial” “he does not understand” “ and on and on ad nauseum. I found it strange that the president did not know anything about the various scandals of his administration until he saw it on the news; but somehow, he knew immediately that ISIS had changed its name to ISIL. ??? How is it that this president, who claims to be a Christian, seems to favor everything that is non-Christian? His liberal dictates have  increased freedoms in areas of immigration, sexuality, marriage and abortion while decreasing the freedom of religion of Christians; e.g. Little Sisters of the Poor, Hobby Lobby, and  Sweet Cakes by Melissa.

“He that is not with me is against me; and he that gathereth not with me scattereth abroad.”

Matthew 12:30  KJV

We Americans are at the mercy of a president who “gathereth not” with us.  Warning him about his legacy will do nothing. He seems to believe that history will declare him the first president of the Islamic States of America.

Does this sound like Armageddon


There is a lot of talk about how the (Un)Affordable Care Act, known as Obamacare, is affecting businesses and their employees. I will refer to it as the UCA, Unaffordable Care Act, based upon my personal experiences since its inception.

I am a senior citizen on medicare and thought that my changes would be minimal. WRONG! Because the implementation of the UCA was gradual, perhaps the thought was that incremental changes would not be noticed. I noticed! And it makes a big difference to someone on a fixed income.
First, the name of my supplemental insurance provider changed, They took great pains to let me know that there would be no lapse in my coverage. Formerly, premiums on my supplemental insurance had increased by approximately $10.00 a year; under the new company name they increased about $40.00.
Second, I am a type 2 diabetic and received my testing supplies by mail from a dependable company of my choice. Not any more! I was informed that I had to use a different company which was “approved” by the new regulations and not one of my choosing. This was irksome. I had chosen my original supplier after much investigation and was very comfortable with my decision. That option was no longer available and I knew nothing about the new supplier except that it was the approved company. Approved by whom? Certainly not by me! When my new supplies finally arrived, I had to set up the new meter which came with language options one of which was Arabic. I wanted to toss the whole thing out but felt trapped. When my grandparents came to America, they learned English; broken English, to be sure, but they learned. I am befuddled at the people who refuse to adapt. If they love their land so deeply, why did they leave? Whatever their reason for emigration, IMHO they should speak English and stop trying to force everyone else to accommodate them. But I digress.
Third, my prescription medications (now generic only) increased in price dramatically. This leads to a related issue. With prices so much higher, I fell into the medicare prescription drug donut hole. Before the UCA I would fall into that category sometime in November. It is only August and I am in the donut hole. And, no, my medications have not changed.
Fourth – and this one got me really fired up – I grew up in a tri-state area having lived in one state for most of my life and then downsizing to the state next door. Because my doctors were all located in my home state and it was close enough for me to see them, they remained my physicians of choice. Recently I called my pharmacy to see why my prescriptions had, once again, increased in price. I was informed that my insurance would no longer cover my prescriptions because they were written by an out of state doctor. WHAT?!?
With doctors retiring early and opting out, many of the doctors who remain in the system will be young and inexperienced. If you think the VA scandal is shameful, it is a drop in the bucket compared to what is coming to conservative, older Americans with a government bureaucracy in charge of our healthcare. You might argue that the UCA offers help to the poor. Guess what, anyone with a brain knows that the poor have had help all along in the form of medicaid. They did not need this boondoggle; and now all of us will, in effect, be on a kind of medicaid.
My question is: What will happen to the finest minds who have developed the excellence in medicine that we all know has been the American standard? What will they choose to do? I predict a business boom for funeral directors.


People who use children to gain something personal are detestable, deplorable and despicable. Think of the parent who uses a child in a divorce proceeding – shameful; now think of the parent who straps an explosive device onto their child in order to seek revenge based on idealism, that is beyond shameful, it is twisted and criminal. Then we have the politicians who use children for political gain. There is a special place in hell for those snake charmers.

The humanitarian crisis of illegal children pouring through our southern border by the thousands is a manufactured crisis. It was manufactured by the president’s pen when he signed an executive order to implement the “Dream Act”. The action was not approved by Congress and therefore, any attempt to rectify the problem should not be approved by Congress. In other words, NO MONEY FOR THIS PROBLEM. Political actions have a long history of placing an undue burden on the American taxpayer. Currently, the government is dispersing these children to cities all over the United States when they should be returning them to their country of origin. That is the only way to stop the influx. If you think I am heartless, I can assure that I am not; but my heart bleeds red, white and blue for the people of the United States. As a country, we are most generous and we have given the benefit of the doubt to this president for too long. He is using these children as pawns in a political game. His claims of “I found out about it on the news” and “unintended consequences” are more jabberwocky while he plays on the sympathy of an unsuspecting populace. Are we really supposed to believe that the most powerful man in the free world is that dumb? His two billion dollar request will turn into four billion then eight billion. If he wants money for this crisis, let him take it from the people who received bonuses for killing our veterans. Let him take it from the agencies who have had lavish conventions/parties at the taxpayers’ expense. Let him take it from the overpaid politicians who seem to think it is their job to find another way to get more of our hard earned cash. Let him take it from the programs  rife with fraud and abuse that he promised to fix when he was running for president in 2007. Or was that a campaign promise meant to attract conservative voters?

These children are faultless, they bear no blame in this situation. The guilty parties are the politicians who are using them; their depravity has no boundaries.

Sending these children home will not make them worse off than they were. It may even have improved some of their lives because of the medical attention they received. Allowing them to stay will not guarantee a better life, only a different one in a strange place. There are also older children migrating. Some are in their teens and on the brink of adulthood, perhaps not disclosing their real age in order to qualify for entry under the guidelines. These people have been schooled in what they should say in order to be accepted once they arrive. Who gave them the right words to use?

The Republican party needs to embrace the admonition “The party of no” and add to it so that it asserts “The party of no more lies” or “The party of no more funding”. Unfortunately, the Republican party has become “The party of no more guts”.



On April 2, 2014 the Washington Times had an article by Andrew P. Napolitano which contained several “what if” scenarios. It was thought provoking and inspired this alternative point of view.

President Obama is supposed to have taught Constitutional law. I would think that makes him an expert on its content and execution. And, yet, the press excuses his breaches of the Constitution by giving him a ‘benefit of the doubt’ pass. He cannot be an expert and oblivious simultaneously.
What if he studied the Constitution so that he could circumvent it?
What if his early mistakes in foreign diplomacy were a way of testing how much the media would let him get away with?
What if his college records were sealed because he wrote papers on how to collapse a free market system?
What if The czars he appointed are changing our policy and rules handbooks to discourage American ideals?
What if he has so much time to play golf because a puppet master is making policy decisions?
What if his increasing the national debt, lavish spending on vacations and websites that don’t work and failing green energy projects is an attempt to contribute to the bankruptcy of America?
What if the scandals of Benghazi, the IRS, the VA, Fast and Furious, (to name a few) were orchestrated by him or someone close to him in the White House?
What if the outrage he expressed at their revelation was just another lie? After all, he has done nothing to bring to justice any of the guilty parties; and he has failed to cooperate in disclosing relevant information.
What if his illegal implementation of the ‘Dream Act’ is meant to overwhelm our system of government or worse yet, mask the influx of criminals and terrorists through our southern border?
What if his unilateral actions,which ignore the co-equal branches of government, are a deliberate defiance of the rule of law? As a lawyer, he knows that intent is hard to prove.
What if releasing illegal criminals from prisons was a way to create popular chaos so that he could declare martial law and thus become the only voice of authority?
What if his ‘leading from behind’ policy is a subtle way of helping the terrorists?
What if the ‘change’ in his “hope and change” mantra means changing America from a free society to a caliphate?
Does all of this sound absurd? When you look at everything that has occurred in the last six years, can you present a valid defense for his actions? His team has used the race card as the reason people oppose his policies. That is not a rational argument! I believe he has used that card to his benefit and America’s detriment.
And, finally, has he intervened on behalf of American patriots and Christians imprisoned and tortured in foreign countries? His sympathies obviously are not with America.
What if…?


Before a President of the United States enters on the Execution of his Office, he takes the following Oath or Affirmation:— “I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my Ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States.”

A very simple oath and yet one that appears to have been misunderstood by the current president. His actions from the very beginning lean away from “protect and defend” and more toward “pretend to defend”.

Let’s start with the appointments of his many czars, some of whom have changed our text books and rule books to reflect a more favorable attitude toward criminals and a diminishing narrative of American history and values. On to “Fast and Furious” which resulted in the murder of border patrol agent Brian Terry. Speaking of murder, our loyal team in Benghazi, including our ambassador, were killed by terrorists who were never caught or prosecuted. Americans were fed a story about a video in an effort to appease anyone without a brain. Then we have the IRS scandal; this is an attempt to muzzle the free speech of anyone who does not agree with his majesty. There is the  ongoing destructive and interminable lies of Obamacare. And the VA scandal is proof that loyal Americans have no value to the administration of “change”. The latest debacle, releasing five high level Taliban leaders from Gitmo, seems to verify that this administration wants to destroy America. In my opinion, this malfeasance of office borders on treason.

With the revelation of each scandal, the president had the right words for America. “You can be sure…” or “Rest assured that the offenders will be brought to justice”. But there is no justice for America while this administration, with the only Attorney General to be held in contempt of Congress, reigns. Talk is cheap!  And to date, no one has been held accountable. No one has been prosecuted.

The president is supposed to be a Constitutional scholar and, yet, he has ignored Congress as if they were not a co-equal branch. As news reports reveal public outrage, he takes the podium to announce that he found out about it on the news. So, who in the heck is running the Oval Office, Steve Urkel? (Did I do that?) So many of the president’s actions have worked to impede the American way: skyrocketing debt, quantitative easing, downgrade of America’s credit rating, joblessness, excessive regulations, failure to implement programs that create good jobs, the list is too long to enumerate, and all point to the utter and complete annihilation of American ideals. The writing is on the wall in large graffiti like letters that are constantly painted over by the media in the name of “benefit of the doubt” or “executive privilege”. Someone has to be held accountable for the wrongdoings.

It pains me to use the race card but, if this president were white, he would have been impeached years ago.

The Disappearing “F” Word – (FREE)

When you think of people dropping the “F” bomb, most people associate that with the one that starts with an “f” and ends with a “k” (not fork). I was in my mid-thirties the first time I heard the word which made me turn beet red. In today’s culture that word can be heard in the movies, at the grocery store, sometimes on TV, and just plain walking down the street. It is a sad state of affairs when language is reduced to communication by a single syllable.

The arts have used the term “freedom of expression” to present every kind of filth and amoral depiction. The most disgusting paintings, sculptures, and movies are allowed to be presented in the name of “freedom of expression”. God forbid, an individual claim the same right.

Recently there have been reports of people who have expressed their opinions and had to suffer consequences, make apologies, lose their jobs, pay a fine. Who knew that America would become a country where “FREE” would mean free stuff from the government rather than free to speak your mind or free to worship as you choose, or free to disagree. The PC police (who the heck are they?) are systematically eroding free speech. Do you have an opinion that may have originated with a bad experience? Keep it to yourself or you might be called a racist. I think the real racists are the ones who are doing the flatulent and indiscriminate name calling. They are afraid of being perceived as bigoted so they go out of their way to  accuse others. Now for the oft misinterpreted crime of being a homophobe, clearly that accusation comes from someone who is a heterophobe. I think the most grievous charge is being assaulted as an Islamophobe. Perhaps they are Christianophobes or just want to proselytize. This country was founded on freedom of religion. Personally, I prefer a belief based on love and forgiveness not fear, retribution  and intimidation. We have never persecuted anyone for practicing their religion. A gray area is the Coptic Christian who was unjustly imprisoned to cover up the Benghazi scandal. Unfortunately, many Islamic  groups are using American freedoms to inject their way of life into our culture. Look here, I do not care what you believe as long as it does not infringe on my belief system or detract from America’s principles. Do not try to force your way of life on me. I am at peace with my Christianity and because of it, I will tolerate your ignorance of my beliefs without prejudice; allowing God to be the ultimate Judge.

Conversations should be a thought provoking forum; instead,  the never-ending lists of forbidden words is bringing us into a “phobic” state. There are no discussions  or personal choices, and the words you say can and will be used against you. The PC intimidates, incriminates and permeates our every thought. (Am I allowed to say that?) This is NOT freedom! And while, some people can be offensive in the words they choose, we can choose not to converse with them or patronize their endeavors. The choice should be ours and not some invisible being who declares there has been an infraction of language. Why have they not declared war on the real “F” bomb? It offends ME to hear language used so frequently which shows a deficiency of education by the user as well as a lack of respect for those within earshot.

America has developed a virtual “Gulag” designed to punish free speech. It is controlled by unseen entities who take umbrage at words they deem unacceptable.

Is that correct, comrade?