Ever since the election of 2012 I have been pondering voter fraud and how it might be done. The democratic party seems to win against all odds. Voter fraud was proven on a small scale in several cases but the numbers of false votes would have to be enormous for them to be so confident. I considered the possibility of illegals voting but without a photo ID, there could be no system of verification. I thought about absentee ballots but I am unable to get to the polls so I use an absentee ballot myself. I was hesitant to jeopardize my vote. Then my uncle had to be placed in a nursing home. He was somewhere between early onset Alzheimer’s and dementia and had become unpredictable and sometimes uncompromising. It broke my cousin’s heart to have to place her dad in a nursing home. Her mom had already passed away and she has no siblings so responsibility for his care fell completely on her; she visited her dad daily. She spent hours every day making sure that he had everything he needed and/or wanted. She filled out forms and checked his medications, made sure his clothes were clean and, in general, was attentive to his over all well being. One day when she came in, a staff member was filling out a form on behalf of her father. It was a voter registration form and she had listed him as democrat. My cousin hit the roof. Her father had been a republican his entire life. How dare they register him democrat when he was unable to assert himself. The staff member claimed it was just a part of their formalities; and, of course, she changed the form while my cousin watched.
We all know that the “graying of America” refers to the senior population becoming the largest proportion of its citizens. I have witnessed the growth of more nursing homes and assisted living facilities as this proves true. If these facilities are government funded, the practice of auto registration to the democratic party may be practiced. By extension, votes may be generated the same way; without knowledge or consent of the patient; or worse, after the patient has deceased. I have been told that people on Obamacare are also registered automatically in the democratic party; but I have no verification of that, however plausible it seems.
I love my country and the freedom it offers. I love being able to make choices that I feel are in accordance with my beliefs. It is regrettable that we are gradually losing our freedoms to political elites who think they know what is “best” for us. They do not!
As in the formation of our country, the people must stand and be counted. We can no longer allow the ruling class to impose their version of America on “We the People”. If you have relatives in a nursing home, please check to see if they have been registered to vote according to their preference. You might even want to secure an absentee ballot on their behalf. This election must renew our founder’s beliefs in the God given liberty established in our Constitution and ordained for all who choose to call America home. God bless our United States!
Author Archives: admin
According to a children’s song which many of us learned: “Jesus loves the little children, all the children of the world. Red and yellow, black and white, all are precious in His sight, Jesus loves the little children of the world.”
I learned this verse when I was young and still believe it today. It says that God doesn’t discriminate, He loves every one of us. I grew up in a home that taught me about God. I also grew up in a home that enforced a respect for others and a sense of responsibility. So, it is understandable that I believe “All Lives Matter”.
The cry for “Black Lives Matter” seems to emanate from people who never experienced that kind of love; people who fail to understand that all of us are children of God; people who seem to not respect the lives of others, probably because they feel disrespected.
What is the answer for them? I am not sure I know; but I DO know that politicians do not have the answer. The answer is within each and every one of us. Politicians have kept people enslaved to the system for years. The system fosters a false belief that they can help when the truth is that the only help you can rely on is yourself. They buy your vote by offering things that are not even theirs to give. And slowly you settle for the crumbs they toss when you could stand proudly without them.
Great people are confident and yet, humble. Their confidence comes from achievement and learning. This is what helps you to stand proudly; not some politician telling you that you are a victim. Bureaucrats manipulate your thoughts by making you believe their lies. Keeping those people in office perpetuates hopelessness.
How can you learn anything when the schools are inadequate? This is another area that should demonstrate how the system has failed. School vouchers would help people to gain access to better schools. Pay attention to the politicians who deny this program. Help yourself by not supporting them. Learning does not have to be in a particular setting. It is a desire that can be satisfied at local libraries where there is a plethora of information on any topic you choose.
Respect yourself by using language that does not demean your intelligence. Hint: four letter words do not fit into that category. Activist groups are created by people who want to draw attention to what they perceive is an injustice. The groups are then infiltrated by others who pretend to be a part of the cause but who really have a separate agenda. The infiltrators use these groups to achieve their own goal of anarchy. Wake up! Stop being a tool of the subversive political system. Use your own God given abilities to make decisions that will enhance your life. Don’t be fooled by politicians who speak lies and make false promises.
It is sad and unfortunate when people believe in the system more than they believe in themselves.
Philippians 4:13 I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength.
The other day I was watching some mind numbing show on television when, all of a sudden, I was jarred out of my stupor. There was a political ad on screen that blared out one of Donald Trump’s faux pas from the early part of his candidacy. The jarring part was that the ad was put out by “republicans” who were obviously not in the Trump camp.
Now, I’m not sure what good they think they are doing but, there is NO good in that sort of attack. Have these so called republicans never heard “United we stand, divided we fall”? The democratic party, with a corrupt candidate who promises to continue the policies of the last eight years of failure, stands behind their lying candidate. Why? Because she parses her words carefully as do most other candidates. The people chose Trump because he does NOT use doublespeak. Has he said some things that might have been misinterpreted? Has the media pounced on every politically incorrect move? Have his words been sometimes callous? Yes, yes, and yes. But “The Donald” is not a politician; he is a successful businessman. Truth be told, I was not originally a fan of his. But as each candidate fell, I took the time to examine Donald Trump’s accomplishments. In every endeavor, he surrounded himself with the people who were experts in their fields; seeking their counsel and then making the right decisions. Decisions that were so beneficial, that he became a billionaire. And now he wants to enrich our country. I am 100% on the Trump train and cannot, for the life of me, understand what makes the “anybody but Trump” crowd think they are helping. Dividing the party will give the election and the country to progressive liberals who will ensure the death of liberty. Perhaps, in their smugness, these republicans will say, “see, I told you he would not win”. But in reality, THEY are the reason for any failure of the party. Their elitism and snobbery are far removed from the people. And “We the People” are the ones who gave them their power. Well, I say it is time to take our country back from the hypocrites in charge and give it to someone who hears the people and wants what they want. It is time for every person who loves America to exercise their right to vote. We must overwhelm the possibility of voter fraud by showing our strength at the polls. We must take our country back from the politicians who have poisoned the system. Liberal democrats have defended their platform even when their positions are wrong. Full term abortion rights, second amendment assaults, attacks on freedom of speech by excessive use of political correctness; I have watched liberals avidly defending these even when the argument does not make sense. They win because they stick together. Take a lesson from them on how to win.
We must stick together. Promote the people’s candidate, Donald Trump, with enthusiasm. His lack of political experience is a blessing. He will surround himself with those who know how to deal with the system; and restore America’s greatness.
And as for the “Anybody but Trump” crowd, I say, “Go to hell and take Hillary with you”.
Dear GOP, RNC, and other party big shots,
If you check my previous post, you will see that, originally, I supported Senator Rubio. He conducted himself very well until he was prompted (probably by the party) to act sophomoric toward Donald Trump. Bad idea! As are all of the ideas presented by “out of touch” party bosses. We, the people, were meant to determine our leaders by popular vote and ultimately by electoral vote. We have allowed the elite to lead us believing that they know best; however, they have proven repeatedly, that they do not. Karl Rove’s numbers may work with an honest electorate but he does not begin to consider the voter fraud that has become so rampant that there is no way to estimate the possible outcome of any election. If you think Bernie Sanders cannot possibly win, then re-think that possibility. You thought that BHO would not win a second term and yet he did. Exactly where is all of the money coming from that supports Sanders? The people??? Those people are looking for free stuff; logically they would not give up any of their unearned dollars. Perhaps he is being helped by Soros. Not as far fetched as you might think. BHO would love to see Sanders in the White House; it would complete his plan of fundamentally changing America.
The people have given ample opportunity to the Republican party to make the conservative changes we expect. The party, in their greed, has failed us. Now there is a candidate who owes no allegiance to lobbyists. Yes, he is rough around the edges politically and yes he rubs some people the wrong way. But he is saying everything the people want their candidate to say. He wants to keep America safe and grow our economy. And what does the party want? Anyone but him. Shame on you! You might think that once the party saw that people were coming out in droves for him, they might take him under their wing and help him to polish his outreach. But no. Instead, they want to have their way by denying the people. You claim that he knows nothing about foreign policy; I submit that after eight years, BHO still does not act to protect and defend the American people. People understand that the president chooses his advisors and they guide his decisions. He cannot possibly know everything about every situation. In the case of Donald Trump, we can be sure he will choose red blooded Americans and not Muslim Brotherhood advisors. The politically correct BS has got to stop. Our country is in danger and we the people can feel it. If Donald Trump achieves the current requirement for nomination, and the party denies him his right, you can bet that the party of Abraham Lincoln will become obsolete. And shame on you if that happens. People think that Sanders cannot win and if he does, he will not be able to pass any of his desired legislation. Well, BHO has used executive powers to push his agenda. Challenges to his orders will be prosecuted for years; meanwhile, the people suffer with the burdens of his actions. We must unite against the possibility of socialism.
In listening to people who have known Trump for years, they say he is a good person who loves his country. Wake up America! Get behind a real American and to hell with the party bosses. Let freedom ring!
It is February just after the New Hampshire primaries and this is my personal assessment of the remaining candidates for the 2016 presidential election. I am not a pundit or an expert on political matters, nor do I consider myself a “low information voter”. I am merely an ordinary American citizen who wants to share an opinion.
In alphabetical order.
Jeb Bush: accepted by the GOP who desperately want him to win. The people have other ideas.
Ben Carson: a wonderful and kind man who should not be thrown into the evil pit of politics.
Ted Cruz: Originally, I felt good about supporting him; but the more I learn the more doubtful I become.
John Kasich: Evidently has a good record, I’m not sure that is enough to win the presidency. Not many people know him and it seems no one cares about past records.
Marco Rubio: Has conducted himself with dignity. He has not attacked others personally but has challenged their positions while defending his own. He took responsibility rather than blaming others when his campaign stumbled.
Donald Trump: He says what he knows the people want to hear but he also says things that nobody wants to hear. He blames others for perceived shortfalls; and, I wonder if the reason he is self funding is because no one would take him seriously enough to contribute to his campaign. If He becomes president, eminent domain will likely become a way of life. He is in the real estate business. Do you think he would not make deals that would profit his private sector business? The Donald is a good salesman, which is kind of like a good community organizer.
On to our democratic candidates. There are only two.
Hillary Clinton: The presumptive candidate will probably be on the ballot even if she is indicted. Her sense of entitlement borders on the absurd. How can you tell when a lawyer is lying? Their lips are moving. The DNC will protect Hillary to the very end.
Bernie Sanders: The only one brave enough to face down the Clinton “machine”. He is not a democrat, but an avowed socialist running on the democratic ticket. Bernie could win if the low information voters turn out as they did for Obama. They don’t understand that “free” is not free.
Why are there not more candidates on the democratic ticket? Is everyone afraid of Hillary? Does Obama have something dire in store for us as we approach the election? Does he have a puppet to carry on his destructive plan for America? Is Bernie his puppet?
You can probably tell who I am leaning toward; as with all writings, the author presents a shaded opinion. My decision is based on having watched and listened to the candidates spar. I have tried to imagine what each presidency might reveal. Our country is on the brink of disaster and there is no time to train another inexperienced person, nor should we allow a continuation of the current policies by electing one who would keep them in place. Think hard before you vote.
Our God given freedoms are in jeopardy.
More than 225 years ago the citizens of this land fought for their independence from the oppression of what was, unquestionably, one of the most powerful nations in the world. At that time we had no organized military forces, just a strong desire for freedom. Freedom from the heavy burden of taxation on goods imported from abroad; and freedom to worship according to personal beliefs. These early settlers found that many others agreed with them. They grew in size and determination, ultimately rebelling against the tyranny of taxation without representation. The “Boston Tea Party” was the ‘jumping off’ point for the formation of our country.
The United States of America, a federal republic, became a sovereign nation with the signing of the Declaration of Independence and the formation of a Constitution. By 1788 the first ten amendments to the Constitution were ratified guaranteeing the citizens of America certain rights; in fact, they are known as The Bill of Rights.
Today, we face another battle against oppression, but this one is internal. It is not a bloody battle; but it will be a daunting battle to restore the ideals upon which our country was formed. Our original war for freedom was fought against an empire which was an ocean away; this time the enemy is here, and embedded within our governing system. They use our trust in their decisions to serve themselves while they destroy our great country.
The founding fathers meant for our government to be representative of the people, by the people, and for the people. Our senators and representatives in Congress were supposed to come from the populace, serve and depart. The positions they served in were not meant to be careers, and the office of the President of the United States was not meant to be bought by whoever has the most money. It is truly unfortunate that our republic, which was so well conceived, has become a tangle of corruption. Our politicians have found a comfortable lifestyle in Congress and have learned to parse their words so that the most blatant lies can be made to sound like the truth. They have voted pay raises and perks for themselves at the expense of more and higher taxes from their constituents. Occasionally, a few local projects will make it seem like they are helping; but, for the politician, it is more like tossing scraps to a dog to keep him from biting. While inflicting regulations and raising fees for us, Congress exempts themselves. They seem to forget that, if it were not for the taxpaying citizens, they would not enjoy their privileges.
Let’s expand that arrogance and malfeasance of office to include many government employees, who earn far more than they would in the private sector. The salaries of these individuals are also paid for with taxpayer money. Now, we are learning that some government employees are not paying their individual taxes. The talk of “fair share” is political double speak when there are government employees who receive pay raises and bonuses and do not pay their fair share. They should be fired!
The corruption within our political system has been exacerbated by liberal policies, dishonest candidates and uninformed voters. The battle to return America to its intended design of freedom for all, must begin with new leadership. The back door deals and “quid pro quo” secrets of entrenched politicians must end. It’s time to clean house in Washington so, with every opportunity, let us reject the old and begin anew, uniting in battle once more for God and country.
It offends me to hear single parents being blamed for society’s failures. Before I begin and in the interests of full disclosure, I have been a single parent; my children are not criminals, they are productive members of society and have children of their own. I thank God every day for His guidance in helping me and I thank my mother for her loving example which made it easier for me to make the choices I had to make in this difficult life.
Now, during WWII many of our brave soldiers gave their lives for our country. The women they left behind very often became some of the first to be called single parents and yet we did not have the problems that we have today. The changes came when entitlements became a default source of income. During a crisis, people need help; but that help should not be a permanent way of life. There should be options for people in need so that they can help themselves. “Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime.”
Welfare benefits remove incentive and as the benefits grow, the ability to become independent is almost impossible. Benefits increase with each additional dependent you claim, so why not keep on having babies and getting raises from the government? These programs foster the illegitimate, fatherless children who become the issues that society eventually must address. Another aspect is the loss of self esteem of the individual who accepts the handout. This is not consciously recognized by the person, but is acted out in self destructive behavior such as drug addiction and alcoholism. And, of course, the welfare money then becomes a means to feed the addictions and the addictions cause neglected children. Understand that this is not always the case but too often it can be.
Another contributing factor is an educational system that fails the students. Money poured into school systems tends to improve the salaries of the school board members and teachers rather than improving the tools needed for the students. The lack of discipline and the absence of God are contributing factors in truancy and failing school grades.
The government has been giving “fish” on a larger and larger scale rather than teaching people how to “fish”. Government’s promise to improve poverty is much like the person who borrows a coin from a companion and throws it into a beggar’s cup. The false bravado of the effort does not really help the beggar but the person who tosses the coin acts as if he has done something admirable. Of course, this is ridiculous and not the answer.
America is full of people who have lifted themselves out of poverty to achieve success. Dr. Ben Carson is the most recent outstanding example. His mother, a single parent, inspired him to excel. Single parents are not the problem; and no amount of money can fix society’s problems.
The welfare system has become a modern form of slavery and the chain to that slavery is an educational system that fails to inspire. If you want to help the impoverished, you must first care about them. The actions of one caring individual can make a difference for hundreds, maybe thousands of people. Need an example? Just look at Dr. Carson’s mom.
Every day I am struck by the realization that liberals will manipulate information to create a set of statistics that reflect their false narratives. While discerning people will see through the poppycock, others will not, and still others will repeat the lies with prefaces like, “the fact of the matter is” when there are NO facts in the matter at all.
Political correctness is taking this to a level that will not be perceived until some future date. For example: no longer can criminals be identified by gender, race, or ethnicity. Not only is that stupid, the ridiculousness of it will erase any valid statistics. Imagine a future where there are no indicators of who committed criminal acts; no way to connect the dots to a violent gang, no way to trace the origins of a crime. Today, this administration is denoting acts of Islamic terrorism as workplace violence. They are demanding that the designation of race, gender, and ethnicity not be a part of criminal reports. Twenty years from now, instead of seeing the jihadi acts as Muslim extremists, they will be viewed as just another case of someone going “postal”, which is clearly not the truth!
Liberals are quick to attack the black prison population facts as discriminatory, but statistically and proportionately blacks commit more crimes than other ethnicities. There are many factors to consider when you look at the truth, but knowing the facts can allow people to reach out to that portion of the population who need help. Unfortunately, it won’t be the liberals who reach out. Their expertise is in demanding more tax money for government programs which generally become another giant money pit of bureaucracy. Neighborhood change is usually effected by churches and businesses with local help.
Factual reporting forces us to look at the truth and act upon it. We can choose to help those who need help, but we can also protect ourselves from possible danger.
Without honest statistics, it will appear as if there were no terror attacks and no racial crime during this president’s administration. And we all know that that is just another big fat lie. We can expect unparalleled deception from this administration which brought us, “If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor” and ‘Benghazi was caused by a video’. I could fill another page with the distortions and misrepresentations this president has expected the American people to believe just because the words came out of his mouth. He has abused his position as our leader, committing malfeasance of office. His recent actions of pressing a treaty with Iran while obfuscating its terms, is dangerous for America and the entire world. It appears that his only interest in becoming president was to take advantage of the prestige and perks of the office. He is not a leader! His actions are not those of a patriot! He has turned the White House into the most expensive section eight housing in America!
There have been many events that seem to have been precipitated by disturbed people who caused unwarranted harm or even death to total strangers and then finalized their own lives. I am not talking about Islamic terrorists but people who appear to be functioning individuals who go “off the rails”. Afterwards, conversations speculate about mental illness and ways that society could have helped these individuals. What if the problem is not psychological but physical? What if years of psychotherapy is not the answer? What if a microscopic organism is invading the brain and causing a disruption in their normal cognitive functioning? Not likely? Don’t be so sure.
Many chronic illnesses begin with an onset of depression. As adults we know our physiology and its reactions to external forces. But sometimes we experience reactions that cannot be readily explained: constant headaches, insomnia, lethargy, inability to focus, twitching, tearfulness, restlessness, anxiety, depression, hallucinations, short term memory loss, and more. The sudden changes in your mental acuity cannot be diagnosed by your doctor with available tests and so you are prescribed the appropriate drugs for your new symptoms. Yet, somehow, it doesn’t help. You have joint pain that stabs you in the middle of the night or at times when it seems unprovoked. Further testing brings negative results. It must be arthritis so more drugs are prescribed. Your anxiety level increases because you are being told to “get used to it”, but you know this is not your norm. Professionals look at you as if you are a hypochondriac. Believe it or not, this experience occurs more frequently than you can imagine. In fact, it is a silent epidemic!
The tiny bacterium that causes these changes does not live in the blood. It prefers soft tissue where it can surround itself with a biofilm which prevents your body’s immune system from detecting it. It can invade many organ systems including the heart, brain, joints and more. It causes a slight swelling when it invades the brain, which disrupts cognitive and autonomic nervous functions. There is no accurate test for this disease, not for the individual or for the blood bank. The CDC has reported that for every one who has tested positive for this disease, there are ten others who are infected and have not yet been diagnosed. This disease is more prevalent than HIV and West Nile Virus. And, yet, most doctors are unaware of its insidious nature. Because this organism was identified less than 40 years ago, its effects are still being discovered. The doctors of ILADS investigate and treat this disease with some measure of success, but they agree that there is still much more to learn. Doctors who belong to the IDSA refuse to acknowledge facts that have more recently been revealed. Unfortunately, they (IDSA) are the ones who set the guidelines which result in a non-diagnosis, or in the case of children, a mis-diagnosis of ADD or ADHD. The inaccuracy of the test allows insurance companies to deny claims for treatment of this disease. Rather than trying to explain why the IDSA has taken this approach, watch the documentary “Under Our Skin” by Andy Abrahams Wilson and pay attention to the part about the Dearborn Conference. There are excerpts from the movie on You Tube. Do you still have doubts? Some celebrities have spoken out about their experience with this disease: Daryl Hall of “Hall and Oates”, Amy Tan, author of “The Joy Luck Club”, and more recently Yolanda Foster of “The Real Housewives of Beverly Hills”, have all spoken about the effects of their experiences with this disease and are attempting to bring attention to its severity.
The doctors of ILADS, who have devoted their services to further research of this disease and to treating the devastatingly ill patients, are the real heroes. Because this organism can bring other micro-organisms with it when you become infected, there is a proposal for a name change that would encompass all of the possibilities. I believe the term being suggested is “Borrelia Complex”. You may know it better as Lyme Disease.
For more information on Lyme Disease go to: WWW.LYMEPA.ORG or WWW.LYMEDISEASE.ORG
Just as a thief wears gloves to hide any evidence of his unlawful deeds, so our president has a cadre of “gloves” and a lexicon of excuses. It is painfully obvious to red blooded Americans that this president stands against every principle that makes America great and everyone who has defended or assisted America.
His domestic policies increased our national debt, brought a downgrade in our credit rating, increased the jobless rate, added to welfare rolls via the food stamp program, created division among the people, invited an invasion of illegal children, released criminals into the populace, and spoke lies and more lies ad infinitum.
Normally an elected president will announce a foreign policy that promises to defend America. This president has chosen to eliminate our defenses and apologize to the world for our strength and willingness to protect the right to be free. His response to aggressive actions is to back away and exit stage left. Sometimes, if the aggression demands action, he will verbally deliver an ultimatum, which turns out to be meaningless. The world, while initially pleased with America’s display of racial equality, has come to disdain everything for which this president stands. Countries that, in the past, readily joined forces with America, no longer trust the words and commitment of America’s leader.
President Obama’s ability to utter the expected words for a critical occasion seems sincere. When there is a solemn occasion, he will tell us that “scripture” says; he does not use the words “the Bible says”. But in Islam, the Koran is considered scripture. The insincerity of his words is proven repeatedly by his failure to take appropriate action despite the often used phrase “rest assured”. Unfortunately, the main stream media seems to focus on what he says rather than what he fails to do.
American soldiers, doctors, ministers, journalists, as well as any individuals who have assisted America, languish in foreign prisons while this president frees a deserter by releasing five of Gitmo’s terrorist detainees. He appears to defend the heinous crimes committed by Islamic jihadists by not calling them “Islamic” terrorists. When he mentions areas in the middle east in a positive light, it seems to trigger the beginning of a revolution; the most notables being The Arab Spring, ISIS, and Yemen.
Suspicions are circumstantial because intent cannot be proven and so we are chained to a president who has been a tyrannical ruler, overstepping his authority and sidestepping his co-equal branches of government. He demands protocol from others but refuses to follow constitutional protocol. His design for America is treasonous in its failure to maintain our defenses while implementing regulations that hamper the growth and stability of America. He openly rejects allied democracies like Israel while excusing the terrorist regimes of our enemies. As oppressed people of the world are afraid to speak out against their tyrannical rulers, so the media seems to be afraid to challenge this president. They excuse him as inexperienced or incompetent. What if he wants to seem incompetent so that he can manipulate America from within, using our freedoms against us? His heritage is half caucasian yet he presses the issue of racial equality to take advantage of his skin color. In the words of Allen West, “Americans need to hold Obama to the same standards they would for a white president.”