An Open Letter to President Obama 2013

Dear Barry,

In 2007 when you were campaigning, you promised “hope and change”. The American people believed you were talking about their hopes, and that the change would be, in your words, a more transparent process. Now it is apparent that the hope and change you referred to was YOUR hope to change our democratic republic. But I digress. In 2008 we elected our first black (well, half black) president. Congratulations America, you have proof that you have overcome racism. At this point in time you demonstrated to the world that the opportunities in America lead to an equality that allows every person, regardless of race, to achieve their goals; the world applauded you. And, Barry, your choice of a vice president was brilliant. It guaranteed that no harm would come to you while you were in office.

Almost immediately after your election, my concern for our country began. During the walk through the portico, when President Bush was bringing you into the White House, you put your arm around his shoulder. I thought that was rather condescending. I have seen you do this to others. You do not know how to be gracious. Then, shortly after your inauguration, there was a news clip that showed you deplaning from Air Force One. The salute that you gave to the brave men who serve and protect you, looked more like you were flipping them the bird. I felt sorry for them. You are ungrateful. In the next few appearances you dressed in a casual manner, open collar, no tie; it showed a lack of dignity and respect for the office. Then there was the Nobel prize; what the heck was that for? At that point you had no achievements to boast except having sweet talked the American people into voting for you. There were gifts exchanged with dignitaries and visits to foreign countries where you observed the protocol in Arabic countries but violated protocol in other nations. Your fawning press chalked it up to your inexperience. At first, I did too, but after five years of observation, I have come to a different conclusion. You are deliberate and arrogant.  From the very beginning you made it clear that you preferred to embrace your black heritage. That is your prerogative; however, as president of the United States, that is not your elected duty. You are supposed to represent everyone; instead, you treat perpetrators as if they are victims. The scenarios you present are deceitful. You have repeatedly excused criminal behavior by blacks while  falsely accusing non-blacks. What about the people who have been accosted or intimidated by men of color?  Examples: the voters in Philadelphia, the journalists in Virginia, the baby in Georgia, and the thousands of others who have been affected by an unwanted experience at the hands of thugs. You have given the real victims no voice. Instead of inspiring others to achieve through learning, you foment civil discord. Your patronage of foul mouthed artists condones similar behavior in those who look up to you. What kind of a roll model are you? Sadly, you obviously do not care. Your prejudice  and intimidation makes you the most divisive person ever to reside in the White House. Your minions and czars have tormented those with differing opinions and with every crisis you brilliantly deliver the words meant to comfort the nation; but your words are hollow.  How can you stand in the highest achievable office and attempt to destroy its foundation? What kind of a person are you?

America was conceived in liberty and real Americans will protect their freedom. You cannot silence their voices. We are proud of our country. Evidently, in spite of all it has given you, you are not.





George – the aftermath

This post is not about the unfortunate incident that occurred on February 26, 2012 in Sanford, Florida. It is about the reaction of those who disagree with the verdict in the case and are attempting to stoke the flames of racial bias which may lead to rioting.

There has been an unending litany of liberal voices decrying the verdict in the George Zimmerman trial. You protestors do nothing to advance your cause. In fact, you show a complete ignorance of the real facts of the case. That regrettable event resulted in the loss of a young man’s life and cannot be undone. What can and should be changed is an attitude that refuses to accept the truth. Efforts spent in pointing fingers of blame would be better spent on trying to enrich the lives of those at risk. How many of you hear the truth? How can you hear the truth when you will not allow any other voices to be heard?  You talk over dissenters as if that will change the facts. Look in the mirror and see the real problem! You are the problem with your “inciting to riot” rhetoric! My mother said that God gave us two ears and one mouth because we are meant to listen twice as much as we speak. When confronted with the truth, you shout over it; how pathetic is that? You are supposed to be educated and instead of reaching out to less fortunate people to show them the value of education, you sit in your ivory towers blaming the most convenient target for the shortcomings of our youth. You should be talking to people about the benefits of learning and encourage them to think about the possibilities they could achieve. You should talk about being responsible for your own actions. Instead, you promote irresponsibility by failing to accept the truth and then casting blame on society. What a crock of crap!!! Most people go out of their way to be non-judgemental.

Radio and television outlets present their biased version of events and you join their bias by not investigating further before you jump to a prejudicial conclusion. Shame on you! In your rush to judgement, you are causing more individuals to be at risk. Some people are not well informed and depend on respected leaders to tell them the truth but you pander to their ignorance.

As long as you expect someone else to fix things, they will never be fixed. Throwing money at the problem will not fix things. Giving free things will not fix the problem. The problem is attitude about the inherent values we cannot measure: education, responsibility, respect, and morality. Teach our youth to appreciate knowledge, teach them to be responsible for their actions, teach them to respect one another. It may not be COOL but being cool can be hazardous to your health.  And you, who foster an attitude of rebellion, are a detriment and likely the cause of continued violence. To reflect on the past when things were different from today’s society, is the same as picking at a wound so that it never heals. Every ethnicity has had negative reactions to something in their past. We learn from them, we heal and then we grow up; hopefully becoming a better person. This country has offered tremendous opportunities to its citizens; if they choose not to take advantage of them, it is not the fault of society. It seems to me that one of the traits missing in todays culture is gratitude. Instead of expressing thanks for having advanced our culture beyond the primitive ideals of the past, some prefer to dwell in that dark place. Fomenting errors of the past, keeps the ill will festering and prevents more advances from becoming a reality.

When is the last time you went to a school to speak about how you achieved your status by getting an education? Have you ever spoken on the subject of mutual respect? It seems not likely.  When is the last time you mentored anyone?

Sadly, if George Zimmerman were black, this event would have gone completely unnoticed.

AMERICA – Love it or Leave it!

This month we celebrated the birth of our nation. The United States of America is unique in all of the world. The founding fathers fought the tyranny of their homelands to establish a nation of freedom. They risked their lives and their fortunes in the process. The Declaration of Independence also mentions risking their “sacred honor”, which seems to be a trait missing in today’s politicians. The Constitution of The United States was written by men who understood the meaning of freedom because they experienced its loss in so many parts of their lives.

Freedom of expression, freedom of religion, freedom to protect what is yours and to follow your personal pursuits according to your own God given gifts, are ensured not only by our Constitution but first and foremost by God, our Creator. The checks and balances wrought by implementing three separate and distinct branches of government was designed to prevent one branch or another from becoming dominant and possibly tyrannical.

Today that document is all but shredded. Those valiant men would not recognize the country we have become. A country not “of the people by the people and for the people”, but a country of the lobbyists by the rich and for the self-serving politicians. Today’s politicians have inflicted laws on the populace which they do not follow because they exempted themselves from the very laws they created. These so-called servants of the people force the people into servitude with their unending tax burdens. Revenues are imposed in the name of doing what is best for our country. The reality is that they do what is best to get the politicians re-elected. And every new mandate erodes another of our freedoms. Bills that are introduced with a seemingly altruistic intent do not reveal the number of amendments to the bill that are inserted in order to buy another vote. Where is the integrity of these people? They no longer represent the will of the people; they represent the lobby with the deepest pockets. Those in office who guard their lavish lifestyles at our expense, refuse to be parsimonious and decry any opposition by using deceitful rhetoric in their attacks.

The reason that so many people emigrate to America is because of the freedom and opportunity it offers. Freedoms stolen from us, opportunities lost due to unreasonable regulations, political correctness, corrupt politicians, and an educational system that no longer teaches the history of our nation, all contribute to the destruction of America. To people who want to change our system to reflect their beliefs instead of ours, I say, “This is OUR country!” Love it or leave it – after all – here in America you are free to go. And to those politicians who think we need to change our country, find another country to change. Your apologies and misrepresentation of our American values has caused more harm than good. Your changes have only served to weaken our financial system, demoralize our citizens, and cripple our economy. You are living an elitist lifestyle and are out of touch with ordinary and hard working people. Our founding fathers did mot envision career politicians. Wake up America! Vote the incumbents out.

Computer Hacking

On June 17, 2013  I was watching “The O’Reilly Factor” and he had a guest who talked about her computer being hacked. Now I am a nobody in particular and am unimportant to everybody except my children and grandchildren. But during the course of their conversation, I said, “Hey, that has happened to my computer.” It has turned on by itself and my emails lately are not where I left off the day before. I openly refer to myself as “technically challenged” and the curiosity of what was happening left me without answers until all of this ‘data mining‘ started to come to light.

The day after the 2012 election, I was so upset that I started to blog. One of my posts was published in a local newspaper.  Not too long after that I tried to log on to post another item on my blog and could not log on. When I contacted the server, they said that there was a problem and that they had to install another firewall. Since I am normally not a paranoid person, I chalked it all up to technicalities. After all, I am just an old lady with opinions about liberty and a love for the freedoms we in America are privileged to have. Now I am not so sure.

My passion for America is reflected in the tenets of the Tea Party movement. Long before there was a ‘Tea Party’, while I was struggling as a single mother, I discovered that much of my earnings were spent on taxes; Income tax, sales tax, property taxes, school taxes, and the myriad of hidden taxes we pay when we use almost everything. Gasoline taxes embedded into the price of the gasoline, a portion of the tolls we pay are taxes for supposed road maintenance (infrastructure), utility bills with taxes, and on and on infinitum. In the late 1990’s, while trying to refinance my mortgage, I was caught in the mortgage debacle and had to sell my home or lose it to foreclosure.  I used to tell people that it was time for another tea party.

For those who have not been taught American History, the Boston Tea Party occurred because the colonists refused to pay the high taxes that the crown (England) was imposing on them for the import of tea. That was in 1773 and was the beginning of a revolt which ultimately led to the American revolution and the birth of our United States. This is a simplified explanation; look it up and learn a lot more. I see the modern day “Tea Party” movement as a similar call to action against the tyranny of a bloated government and ‘taxation without representation’. I have received emails from many of their groups and, while I am without the means to make contributions, I support their efforts by contacting my congressmen on various issues. Their emails have been curiously absent but the reason for that seems to be connected with the administration’s agenda to constrict our freedoms.

My voice alone is not important. With others it will be heard.  I will not be silenced; I will not be intimidated. I am an American and I am free!

Remember, “Just because you’re paranoid doesn’t mean they aren’t after you”.

Facts, Factoids and Discernment

First the definitions: according to the dictionary, a fact is something that is indisputable; the truth as opposed to interpretation. A factoid is an assumption or speculation that is repeated so often that it becomes accepted as fact. Factoids are usually a form of appeasement or desensitization; if you hear an assumption often enough, you become desensitized to its falsehood and begin to accept it. That is why so many politicians will repeat their factoids over and over.

Discernment is the ability to judge well; this term is commonly used in connection with spiritual understanding and guidance. Pray to be able to discern facts from factoids.


“ Make no mistake”, “ I can assure you”, “I will get to the bottom of this”, and “The perpetrators will bear the full extent of the law” all appear to be factoids. For five years we have given this administration the benefit of the doubt and they have taken advantage of it. Now the cry is “plausible deniability”. When are Americans going to wake up? As far as I am concerned, there is NO plausible deniability. This president hand picked his cabinet and czars because he knew they were like minded and would further his agenda. By the way, why call them czars? Why not something that sounds a little more American? Czars (tzars) is a Russian word representative of Caesar, an emperor. There’s a clue for you. Here is another clue, he appointed Susan Rice to a position where she could not be questioned about the lies she told about Benghazi. Quid pro quo on a grand scale. And our Attorney General,  Eric (with)Holder will not go quietly into the night as any man of integrity should. Is he ashamed of his lies? Not a chance! These are the kinds of people that make decisions about our country, dismantling our freedoms one by one. Putting our armed forces at risk until the ultimate sacrifice has been made; then denying them their right to be treated for their sacrifices. This administration attempts to give our American freedoms to terrorists and furthermore, supplies foreign governments who harbor terrorists, with weapons and millions of dollars. The latest IRS scandal should have every American terrified. The problem is that most Americans do not realize that the IRS will be the ones who decide your medical treatment when Obamacare is fully implemented. Are they gathering information on conservatives so that they can deny treatment to them? Silly? Not in the light of all that has been happening. I am just happy that Senator Rand Paul stood up to the suggested droning of Americans on American soil. Thank you, sir, that you did not give this administration the chance to say, “Oops, we did not mean to do that”, when they hit the wrong(?) target.

I applaud Sean Hannity and Judge Jeanine Pirro for their honesty and forthrightness in reporting the facts fearlessly.  Theirs are facts, not factoids! And I believe that Americans are learning to tell the difference.


Political Phraseology – lie, lied, lying

I am so sick and tired of listening to politicians and news media tip toeing around the truth. Oh, I can’t call so and so a liar; it is such a strong word. Give me a break! Did they worry about the words they used to lie to us? Or the consequences of those lies?

I grew up with five siblings and I raised six children, as well. When something went wrong or something broke, mom would line us up and ask, “Who did it?” We had to stand there until the truth came out; and if nobody ‘fessed up, then all of us were punished. That was a sure way to find out who did it because those who were innocent would argue with the guilty one and soon enough, mom would know the truth. This resulted in double punishment for the offender. Once for the offense and a harsher one for lying. She would say that if only we had told the truth, the consequences would have been less harsh. The  reprimands were about how intolerable it is to lie about anything, ever. Unfortunately, it seems as if the president’s mother never taught him that lesson. And the same could be said for certain members of congress. As for the media, most of them act like teens at a concert of their favorite idol. I think Chris Matthews must have heard Michelle Malkin use the word “sycophant” as it relates to their reporting. He decided that he would also use the word. Unfortunately, he failed to realize that he was referring to himself with the description. Duh!


And now for our illustrious congress. When Joe Wilson, representative from South Carolina spontaneously shouted, “you lie” when, in fact, the president WAS lying, it was representative Wilson who had to apologize. Yes, he broke decorum but the truth should trump everything. How many people investigated the facts that were so blatantly misrepresented by our president? The president WAS lying and continues to parse his words to this day. Now we are faced with an ugly fact. The very law that was forced upon the American people under the guise of healthcare reform, and barely passed by a partisan congress, was promoted with lies. This voluminous bill and its accompanying policy mandates change the very nature of the term “freedom of choice”. Doctors will not decide what is the best course for your health, heck, even the health insurance companies will not make that decision. How will decisions be made, you ask? BY THE I.R.S.!!! That scandal ridden, audit loving, “you’re just a number to us” agency that most of us prefer to avoid, will now have your most personal health information and make life or death decisions – probably based on your politics. My days are undoubtedly numbered. However, the politicians who approved this monster do not have to participate. They have exempted themselves just as they have given themselves raises and perks and God only knows what all entitlements at the expense of the taxpayer.

The “hope and change” that was chanted in the 2008 election is now painfully obvious. The hope was to change our democratic republic into a socialist state. The implementation of Obamacare will achieve that goal.

Secrecy vs. Transparency

One of the tenets of this president’s platform in 2008 was “transparency”. Transparency can only be achieved if you learn how to see through the gibberish he tries to sell. I am still not sure whether to call him Barack Obama or Barry Soetoro. When most candidates are running, they are vetted so thoroughly that a negative grade school incident can be reported. We have yet to see information about college transcripts, never mind anything prior to that. How did he pay for those expensive college tuitions? By his own account, his family was not well to do. Most families with a child in college are mortgaged to the hilt. And yet, this president managed to travel to the other side of the world when he was young. How could he afford to do that?  Where did the money come from, or maybe, who provided the money for all of those expenses? Was he taking advantage of our generous grants to foreign students? Was he on welfare like the Boston Marathon bombers? Even on the cheesiest TV police programs, the answer to finding the perpetrator is “follow the money”. There must have been billions of dollars doled out to organizations in an effort to protect the president’s personal information. Questions like this have not been asked by the liberal media. Here are a few more questions they should be asking: How, exactly, was Brian Terry killed with American guns provided by our government? Why did the president take no action on the night of September 11, 2012 when four brave Americans including our Ambassador to Libya  were murdered? Who decided to blame the video for that massacre? Why has the language in the ICE manual and the FBI manual been changed? The dramatic transformation of terminology makes it impossible for these agents to protect the citizens of the United States from foreign predators.  Why are our institutions of higher learning (actually higher indoctrination) giving credence to convicted felons? Why are we sending money, in support of countries that openly declare hatred for our way of life? What is the objection to eliminating fraud within our federal programs? The answer cannot be that those who want to eliminate the fraud are racists; they are tax paying citizens who are tired of being bilked. Your accusations are invalid. AND PLEASE STOP USING CHILDREN AS PAWNS FOR YOUR EXCUSES!

These are just a few of the many questions I have on my mind. Most troubling to me are the attacks on our constitution and the failure of congress to do its job. Now that the sequester has taken effect, the White House has been closed to the American people. I wonder what mystery is being hidden behind those closed doors? This president has refused to answer questions about significant events by declaring executive privilege.

Way to be transparent, sir!

While watching the White House Press Corps dinner, it occurred to me that the president could take his show on the road, after his presidency. Oh, wait, he already does that. His self deprecating humor, while funny, seemed a bit blatant. Here is another pearl of wisdom from my mother, “Many a true word is spoken in jest”.

In case you missed his speech:

The Rape of our Country – a verse

 When I was young, it was a time when people worked for every dime.                          They gave their best and said a prayer, their hopes and dreams were always there.    When hardship came, neighbors would show how much they cared; then you would know You’d make it through that stormy scene and then return what you had gleaned.            That time has changed; it breaks my heart; When did all the madness start?                    The rapist came with subtle thoughts of reaching out when all seemed lost;                       To give us money, food and things, A house, healthcare, a phone that rings.                    But how much do we have to pay? “Nothing” is what the rapists say.                                The government will care for you;  Relax, sit back, enjoy the view.                                  While watching all of this unfold A different story must be told.                                          The real price that you pay for these Is loss of all your dignities.                                         No pride to take in work you do Your self esteem is flattened, too.                                    The emptiness you feel within Is filled with chattel bought with sin.                                    The rapist, under guise of “help” Has really only helped himself.                                       For no one can advance a cause Not with money, not with laws.                                      The given things they says are good Are from another’s livelihood.                                  They have not given you a cent It’s not their money that’s been spent.                            Now that I am deflowered of dreams The rapists move to other schemes.                         Oh, look, a crisis over there Let’s move on in, pretend we care.                                      Their talk is smooth, you soon believe The words they speak while you grieve.                And so the next assault begins: The rape of freedom from within.                                 Others have joined the cunning guile Their targets, like a pedophile                                  Are children who’ve been taught to trust Their elders; but these rapists’ lust                    Will not be satisfied until They’ve kidnapped innocent free will.                                       And, God forbid there be a crime The criminal who does the time                                    Will have more freedom in his jail Then victims whom he did assail.                                  Our country forged in liberty Is leaning, like a rotting tree.                                                  The principles attracting all have been attacked and start to fall;                                       We cannot let this come to be, Americans should all be free.                                          Dear God, I pray, restore this land For it is only by Your Hand                                          That all the rights You have bestowed Can change our course, lighten our load.         AMEN.

Freedom of Speech – only for liberals – no dichotomy

Have you ever noticed what happens when a conservative and a liberal present their views on any given subject? In most cases, the liberal points can be dismantled with some common sense, but as soon as this begins to happen, the discussion becomes a shouting match with politically correct euphemisms that have nothing to do with the subject being discussed, being hurled at the conservative. By their very nature conservatives are not aggressive. They hold to their beliefs privately (for the most part) and allow others the same privilege. They are generally respectful of almost any point of view. Conversely, if you do not agree with a liberal’s point of view, the name calling starts. Rather than debate the differences with any intelligence, the slurs and accusations pour out. Some just continue to shout over the discussion with the same phrase over and over in an attempt to keep the clarifying information from  surfacing. Very often liberals present  half truths or outright lies. Do you think they believe that if you hear them often enough, you will accept their proposals as legitimate? Sorry, Charlie; smart people know better. They know how to verify. I find it sad that most people consider themselves conservative and yet the laws that are being considered are catering to the liberal point of view. There is a saying that goes, ” The squeaky wheel gets the oil” and while that appears to be what is happening, I prefer the saying I learned from Sister Andrea (God bless her where ever she is) ” An empty barrel makes the most noise”. Is it not disheartening to hear the accusations that you KNOW are not true? How is it that the media continues to attack the conservative points? And when a respected American leader like Dr. Benjamin Carson speaks out, he is vilified. If anyone in America has earned the right to speak freely, it is he. And, yet, he has been repeatedly attacked by the liberal press for what? Presenting an alternative to the current crises in America should be a reason for praise, but it does not agree with the administration’s agenda. And the kool-aid drinking media all want to be first in line to show their allegiance to the dismantling of our republic. It is a shameful disaster that they seem to not know what is happening. Our freedoms are being eroded while those in the media who might be influential in deterring the process are actually contributing to it. There are no debates. Even during the election process, debate was not in play. No longer do the schools have debate teams. Instead they teach sex education and diversity. What happened to the three R’s? Why has it become offensive for children to learn how to think for themselves? Is it because indoctrination at a young age ensures the liberal agenda? There were despots of other countries who used the same methods. In my humble opinion, it is an unforgivable  transgression to imprint the mind of an innocent child. They should be nurtured in a way that allows them to develop their own belief system. Sadly, there are not many adults who can give them that advantage; they all seem to have already been indoctrinated. Pray to rid our country of the evil within because only God can help.

Voter Fraud – What do YOU think?

The following thoughts are opinion; just to keep the record straight. For years I have heard comments about local people who were elected to office. Comments like: He had to win; everybody in the cemetery voted for him. When you are young, you dismiss this kind of rhetoric as being an impossibility and maybe sour grapes from the opposing party. In 2010 my faith in the voting system was restored with the election of some people who seemed to be concerned for our country in a way that showed a willingness to cooperate with like minded individuals, regardless of party affiliation. In 2012, that faith was obliterated. Right after that, I started this blog. Recent news reports of voter fraud have confirmed what I have suspected. And now, I will draw a conclusion that is mind-blowing. The conservative candidates in America will never win another election unless they can eliminate voter fraud.  It is not the platform that has to be changed, it is not the ethnicity of the candidate, it is not the verbiage, it is simply this: find a way to eliminate the voter fraud. With all of the technical advances in our society and with all of the information the government has amassed on each individual, there should be a way to weed out those who are not eligible to vote. Purge the names of those who are deceased, mark the names of prisoners who have lost the right to vote. But, DO SOMETHING! The freedom of all Americans depends on it.

It appears that we have a Manchurian candidate in the White House. For those who are unfamiliar with this term, a Manchurian candidate is one who supports one ideology to get elected but uses his/her executive powers to assist an opposing ideology. I will take this one step further; the White House is not the only place where this kind of candidate has been installed. Congress has several, the NEA has several (based on their proposed curricula for our children), the Fed and the United Nations ditto, and most organizations that control the important aspects of running our country. The land of liberty is becoming the land of liberals. Higher education has become higher indoctrination and it is filtering down into the elementary school level. The people in Congress that we have entrusted to make government decisions are kowtowing to lobbyists and playing games of political correctness. They are parsing their words to make it seem that they care but all they really care about is their own power and their ability to be re-elected to a government office. We need term limits on these parasites. When a bill is passed in Congress, it should be “clean”. No riders or amendments; that would take away the gamesmanship from the process and allow the people to see what these representatives really represent.

Honest people want honest leaders. Right now there are a lot of honest people in America who are disappointed with their leaders. I pray every day for a return to the America where I grew up. An America that recited the Pledge of Allegiance in school every morning, an America where you could worship without fear of being a target, an America where hard work was respected not ridiculed, in essence, a truly free America; unfettered by political correctness, stupid regulations, and senseless laws. Is anybody listening?